Personal Information:
Name: Hossein Motie
Father's name: Asghar
Date's born: 1352
Academic rank: 18th grade assistant professor
Workplace address: Isfahan, Isfahan University of Technology, Center of Islamic Sciences & Persian Literature
Office phone: 0313-3912849, fax: 0313-3912890
Academic records:
Associate's degree(Undergraduate degree): Shahodaye Adab, Isfahan, field of applied sciences - year 1370
Continuous master's degree: Imam Sadiq (AS) University, Theology and Islamic Studies Department, Islamic Philosophy and Theology - from 1370 to 1379
Dissertation title: Human expectation from religion
Ph.D. in Qom University of Islamic Studies, Department of Theoretical Foundations of Islam
Thesis title: The relationship between religion and technology.
Assistant Professor at the Ceneter of Islamic Sciences and Persian Literature at Isfahan University of Technology
Membership of Basij Board of Thought and Vocations of Isfahan Province - from 2018 to now