Personal Information


Mohsen Shanbeh
Tel: +98(31) 33915037
Fax: +98 (31)33912444


B.SC. : 1997-2001, Amirkabir University of Technology (Polytechnic), Tehran, IRAN, Textile Engineering (Textile Technology).

M.SC. : 2001-2004, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, IRAN, Textile Engineering (Textile Technology).

B.Sc. project: Comparison between Physical and Mechanical Properties of Woven Fabrics by Ring and Rotor Spun yarns.

M.Sc. Dissertation: Predicting the Tensile Properties of Cotton-covered Nylon Core Spun Yarns By using Artificial Neural Networks



1997-2001, Amirkabir University of Technology (Polytechnic), Tehran, IRAN, Textile Engineering (Textile Technology), B.SC.

2001-2004, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, IRAN, Textile Engineering (Textile Technology), M.SC.

2015-2019,Amirkabir University of Technology (Polytechnic), Tehran, IRAN, Textile Engineering (Textile Technology),Ph.D.