سمینار ها



III. Congress and seminars:

1. Rahimmalek M., B.A.Tabatabaie. Assessment of genetic relationships among Iranian and foreign olive cultivars using ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeat) markers.2006.XXVIIth International Horticultural Congress.Korean Society for Horticultural Science.


2. Rahimmalek M., B.A.Tabatabaie, K.Suenaga (2005) Saturation of microsattelite Linkage map of wheat using AFLP markers. IVth congress of biotechnology.Iran .Kerman.


3. Rahimmalek M., B.A.Tabatabaie.Assignment of AFLP markers into microsattelite Linkage map in Fukuho-Komugi × Oligo-culm Cross.(2005).International Conference on plant Genomics and Biotechnology: Challenges and opportunities.Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur,India.


4. Rahimmalek, M., Sayed Tabatabaei, B. E, Arzani, A, Etemadi, N. 2007. Assesment of inter and intra species genetic variation of different Achillea species of Iran using AFLP markers. The 5th National Biotechnology Congress of Iran, Tehran


5. Rahimmalek, Goli, S.A.H, Bahrami, B, M., Sayed Tabatabaei, B. E, Arzani, A, Etemadi, N. 2007. Physiochemical characteristics of yarrow seed oil. The third congress of Medicinal plants. Shahed university, Tehran.


6. Rahimmalek M., N.Etemadi, B.A.Tabatabaie, A.Arzani.Assesment of important ornamentals  traits of Achillea species of Iran.2007. Vth congress of Horticulture .Iran.Shiraz.


7. M.Talebi-Bedaf, M.Rahimmalek, B. E. Sayed - Tabatabaie, A.Yamchi. Assessment of Isfahan elms using AFLP and ISSR markers. 2007. Vth congress of Horticulture .Iran.Shiraz.


8. Rahimmalek,  M,  Bahreininejad, B, Khorrami, M, Sayed Tabatabaei, B. E. 2009. Genetic Diversity Of Thymus daenensis subsp. daenensis Cleak Using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) Markers. Plant & Animal Genomes XVII Conference. Town & Country Convention Center San Diego, CA, January 10-14, 2009. Page184.


9. Goli, S.A. H, M. Rahimmalek, Sh. Gharibi, 2010. Assessment of essential oil composition and seed oil characteristics of Achillea tenuifolia lam. in Iran. 6th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries. 18-22 April, Antalya, Turkey.


10. Shima Gharibia, Mehdi Rahimmalek, Aghafakhr Mirlohi, Mohammad Mehdi Majidi, Badraldin Ebrahim Sayed Tabatabaei, Mojtaba Khorrami. 2010. Assessment of genetic variability among yarrow ( Achillea millefoilum L.) population based on Inter  Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR). 6th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries. 18-22 April, Antalya, Turkey.


11. Mehdi Rahimmalek, Hossein Zeinali, Mojtaba Khorrami, Badraldin Ebrahim Sayed Tabatabaei, Shima Gharibi, Behzad Rashidi. 2010. International Medicinal and Aromatic plant symposium 2010 2nd Iranian phytochemistry seminar. 21-23 June, Shiraz , Iran.

