كنفرانس ها

  1. Pooladsaz, S. (1998). Efficient Experimental Designs under Dependence. Research Statistics Postgraduate Students Conference,  31 March - 2 April 1998, University of Lancaster, UK.

  2. Pooladsaz, S. (1998). An Algorithm for Constructing Optimal Designs when Observations are correlated.

  3. The 13th COMPSTAT Conference, 24 - 28 August 1998, University of Bristol, UK.

  4. Pooladsaz, S. (2000). Optimal Generalized Binary Block Designs with Block Size k under AR(1).

  5. Iranian Researchers Conference in Europe, IRCE 2000, 21 May 2000, Manchester, UK.

  6. Pooladsaz, S. (2000). Optimal Generalized Binary Block Designs for AR(1) Dependence Structure. Probability and Statistics Department, University of Sheffield, UK.

  7. O'Hagan, A, Pooladsaz, S , Saul, A. J., Boxall, J. B and Unwin, D (2004). Predicting mains failure. UK Water Industry Research meeting, May 14 2004, London, UK

  8. O'Hagan, A, Pooladsaz, S , Saul, A. J. and Boxall, J. B (2004). Uncertainty in deterministic models. International Society for Bayesian Analysis, ISBA, 23 27 May 2004, Chile.

  9. J B Boxall, A  OHagan, S Pooladsaz, A J Saul & D M Unwin (2005). Pipe level estimation of burst rates in water distribution mains. Eighth international conference on Computing and Control in the Water Industry, CCIW 2005, 5 - 7 September 2005, University of Exeter, UK.

