
Journal Papers
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Convergence in homogeneous difference equations of degree 1, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications January 2013
Non-autonomous homogeneous rational difference equations of degree one: convergence and monotone solutions for second and third order case, Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences June 2013
Homogeneous rational systems of difference equations in the plane, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications February 2013
Homogeneous Rational Difference Equations of Degree 1: Convergence, Monotone and Oscillatory Solutions for Second and Third Order Case, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications December 2012
Chaos in rational systems in the plane containing quadratic terms, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation October 2012
Global behaviour of the Riccati difference equation of order two, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications April 2011
CHAOTIC BEHAVIOR AND DYNAMICS OF MAPS USED IN A METHOD OF SCRAMBLING SIGNALS, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos December 2010
Dynamics of rational difference equations containing quadratic terms, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications February 2008
A non-trivial relation between some many-dimensional chaotic discrete dynamical systems and some one-dimensional chaotic discrete dynamical systems, Computer Physics Communications November 2008
Monotone and oscillatory solutions of a rational difference equation, containing quadratic terms, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications October 2008
Some characteristics of solutions of a class of rational difference equations, Kybernetes Winter 2008
On a recursive sequence, Kybernetes Winter 2007
Some results about the global attractivity of bounded solutions of difference equations with applications to periodic solutions, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals May 2007
Dynamics of xnþ1 ¼ xn, Applied Mathematics and Computation February 2007
The characteristics of a higher-order rational difference equation, Applied Mathematics and Application November 2006
Global stability of ynþ1 ¼ pþqynþryn, Applied Mathematics and Application November 2006
The study of a class of rational difference equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation August 2006
Dynamics of a non-linear difference equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation July 2006
On the recursive sequence xnþ1 ¼ aþbxn, Applied Mathematics and Computation July 2006
Asymptotic stability for difference equations with decreasing arguments, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications February 2006
Conference Papers
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Global Attractivity of xn+1 = f(xn, xn−1, xn−k) October 2005

