ژنتيک بيومتري



  1. مقدمه، تاريخچه و اهميت ژنتيک بيومتري کلاسيک و ژنتيک بيومتري مدرن
  2. مروري بر ژنتيک کمي، مفهوم توارث پذيري در جوامع ژنتيکي، آثار لينکاژ و اپيستازي
  3. طرح هاي ژنتيکي پرکاربرد در اصلاح نباتات
  • روش رگرسيون والد نتاج
  • تجزيه و تحليل ميانگين و واريانس نسل­ها
  • طرح هاي کاروليناي شمالي (I، II و III)
  • طرح هاي داي آلل
  • تئوري و کاربرد اصلاح به روش آزادگرده افشاني و پلي کراس
  1. اثر متقابل ژنتيک و محيط
  2. ژنتيک بيومتري مدرن :


  1. Genetic and Genomics- Area of “Omics”
  2. Genetic mapping vs Physical mapping
  3. QTL mapping-Bi parental cross mapping – Multi parental cross mapping (NAM, MAGIC,..)


  1. Sequencing technologies and applications
  • Genotyping by sequencing (GBS)-High through put genotyping
  • Genome wide association studies (GWAS)
  • Genomic selection
  • Genome assembly - Genome annotation- Genome evolution –Functional genomics


  1. Transcription analysis
  • RNA-Seq technology
  • RNA biology
  • RNA-seq experiment
  • Differential Expression Analysis
  • Expression QTL (e-QTL) analysis



  1. Mather, K. and Jinks, J. L. 1982. (3ed). Biometrical Genetics. Cambridge university press.
  2. Kearsy, M. J. and Pooni, H.S. 1996. The genetic analysis of quantitative traits. Chapman and hall, UK.
  3. Wrick, G. and Weber, W. E. 1986. Quantitative genetic and selection in plant breeding. Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin.
  4. Hallauer, A. R., and Miranda, J. B. 1987. Quantitative genetics in maize breeding. Iowa state university press.
  5. Hallauer, A. R., Carena, M. J and Miranda, J. B. 2010. Quantitative genetics in maize breeding. Iowa state university press.


  1. هوشمند، س. 1381. تجزيه و تحليل ژنتيکي صفات کمي (ترجمه). انتشارات دانشگاه شهرکرد.
  2. صبوري، ح. و محمدي نژاد، ق. 1388. ژنتيک بيومتري. موسسه فرهنگي انتشاراتي گرگان.


  1. Chao F., 2017. Genome-wide association studies dissect the genetic networks underlying agronomical traits in soybean. Genome Biology (2017) 18:161
  2. Christoph. B. 2016. Third generation sequencing: technology and its potential impact on evolutionary biodiversity research. Systematics and Biodiversity.14(1):1-8
  3. Heffner E.L., Jannink J.L., Sorrells M.E. 2011 Genomic selection accuracy using multifamily prediction models in a wheat breeding program. Plant Gen 4:65–75
  4. Hrdlickova, R., Toloue, M. and Tian, B. 2016. RNA-Seq methods for transcriptome analysis. Wires RNA, 8: 1-17
  5. Matteo, D. et al. 2015. Genetic properties of the MAGIC maize population: a new platform for high definition QTL mapping in Zea mays. Genome Biol. 2015; 16: 167.
  6. Morozova, O, Marra, M. A. 2008. Applications of next-generation sequencing technologies in functional genomics. Genomics 92 :255–264
  7. Yang, I. and Kim, S. 2015. Analysis of Whole Transcriptome Sequencing data:Workflow and Software. Genomics and Informatics 13: (4): 201
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