- مقدمه، تاريخچه و اهميت ژنتيک بيومتري کلاسيک و ژنتيک بيومتري مدرن
- مروري بر ژنتيک کمي، مفهوم توارث پذيري در جوامع ژنتيکي، آثار لينکاژ و اپيستازي
- طرح هاي ژنتيکي پرکاربرد در اصلاح نباتات
- روش رگرسيون والد نتاج
- تجزيه و تحليل ميانگين و واريانس نسلها
- طرح هاي کاروليناي شمالي (I، II و III)
- طرح هاي داي آلل
- تئوري و کاربرد اصلاح به روش آزادگرده افشاني و پلي کراس
- اثر متقابل ژنتيک و محيط
- ژنتيک بيومتري مدرن :
- Genetic and Genomics- Area of “Omics”
- Genetic mapping vs Physical mapping
- QTL mapping-Bi parental cross mapping – Multi parental cross mapping (NAM, MAGIC,..)
- Sequencing technologies and applications
- Genotyping by sequencing (GBS)-High through put genotyping
- Genome wide association studies (GWAS)
- Genomic selection
- Genome assembly - Genome annotation- Genome evolution –Functional genomics
- Transcription analysis
- RNA-Seq technology
- RNA biology
- RNA-seq experiment
- Differential Expression Analysis
- Expression QTL (e-QTL) analysis
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- Kearsy, M. J. and Pooni, H.S. 1996. The genetic analysis of quantitative traits. Chapman and hall, UK.
- Wrick, G. and Weber, W. E. 1986. Quantitative genetic and selection in plant breeding. Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin.
- Hallauer, A. R., and Miranda, J. B. 1987. Quantitative genetics in maize breeding. Iowa state university press.
- Hallauer, A. R., Carena, M. J and Miranda, J. B. 2010. Quantitative genetics in maize breeding. Iowa state university press.
- هوشمند، س. 1381. تجزيه و تحليل ژنتيکي صفات کمي (ترجمه). انتشارات دانشگاه شهرکرد.
- صبوري، ح. و محمدي نژاد، ق. 1388. ژنتيک بيومتري. موسسه فرهنگي انتشاراتي گرگان.
- Chao F., 2017. Genome-wide association studies dissect the genetic networks underlying agronomical traits in soybean. Genome Biology (2017) 18:161
- Christoph. B. 2016. Third generation sequencing: technology and its potential impact on evolutionary biodiversity research. Systematics and Biodiversity.14(1):1-8
- Heffner E.L., Jannink J.L., Sorrells M.E. 2011 Genomic selection accuracy using multifamily prediction models in a wheat breeding program. Plant Gen 4:65–75
- Hrdlickova, R., Toloue, M. and Tian, B. 2016. RNA-Seq methods for transcriptome analysis. Wires RNA, 8: 1-17
- Matteo, D. et al. 2015. Genetic properties of the MAGIC maize population: a new platform for high definition QTL mapping in Zea mays. Genome Biol. 2015; 16: 167.
- Morozova, O, Marra, M. A. 2008. Applications of next-generation sequencing technologies in functional genomics. Genomics 92 :255–264
- Yang, I. and Kim, S. 2015. Analysis of Whole Transcriptome Sequencing data:Workflow and Software. Genomics and Informatics 13: (4): 201
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excercise2_proc_t-test.pdf | 168.17 کیلوبایت |
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excercise4_sas_anova_2factors_0.pdf | 301.4 کیلوبایت |
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excercise6_linear_reg_and_corr_and_sas.pdf | 248.19 کیلوبایت |
excercise7-stepwise_reg.pdf | 284.46 کیلوبایت |
excercise8-matrix_simple_linear_regression.pdf | 412.9 کیلوبایت |