کارگاه "فیزیک هسته ای و هادرونها با کوارک شگفت و افسون"

The workshop, “Frontiers in hadron and nuclear physics with strangeness and charm”, will focus on the most recent developments in the strangeness and charm physics (hadronic and nuclear), both in theory and experiment. The strangeness and charm physics sectors are evolving very fast, with experimental results coming from many recent experiments (HADES and FOPI at GSI, SIDDHARTA, and AMADEUS at DAFNE in Europe, as well as experiments at J-PARC and Belle in Japan, JLab in USA and BEPC in China); other experiments are planned (at BEPCII, DAFNE, GSI, FAIR, JLAB, ELSA, MAMI, BELLE or JPARC) or are in the proposal preparation phase. On the theoretical side, refined calculations and methods (chiral perturbation, lattice theory, EFT, many body calculations, potential models etc) are producing extremely accurate results awaiting further confirmation. Combining the theoretical and experimental findings is allowing a better and more accurate understanding of the processes undergoing in the low-energy QCD sector, with implications going from particle and nuclear physics to astrophysics. 

The aim of this Workshop is to discuss the recent achievements, the theoretical findings, and to make a step forward in planning the European and global strategy in the field, based on the exchange among experimentalists and theorists in the view of a deeper and more complete understanding of the underlying phenomena.

Registration period: 
17 Aug 2015 to 11 Oct 2015


Kai-Thomas Brinkmann Univ. Giessen - Germany Kai-Thomas.Brinkmann@exp2.physik.uni-giessen.de
Catalina Curceanu LNF – INFN Frascati petrascu@lnf.infn.it
Johann Marton SMI-Vienna johann.marton@oeaw.ac.at
Ulf-G. Meissner Universitat Bonn & FZ Juelich meissner@itkp.uni-bonn.de
Bing-Song Zou ITP/CAS - Beijing zoubs@ihep.ac.cn

