Editorial Board Member:
- Editor in Chief, June 2022- Now.
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society.
This is the oldest Iranian Mathematics journal in English, and it has continuously published papers since 1974. BIMS has been published by Springer Nature since 2018.
Editorial board member 2020-2023,
Computational Methods for Differential Equations.
Section Editor, September 2019-March 2022,
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society,
Published by Springer Nature.
- Kermani Riazi Prize, Iranian Mathematical Society Prize, 2019.
- Hashtroudi Mathematics Prize, Iranian Mathematical Society Prize in Geometry and Topology, 2022.
Our Maple library: Singularity
M. Gazor, M. Kazemi,
A user guide for Singularity,
ArXiv:1601.00268 (2016) 32 pages.
The library and a sample Maple file describing how to use the library is available here.
Unpublished manuscripts and supplementary files:
M. Gazor, N. Sadri,
Orbital and parametric normal forms for families of Hopf-zero singularities,
Maple Files Finite determinancy
M. Gazor, N. Sadri,
Symmetry-breaking controller design for Bogdanov-Takens bifurcations with an application to Chua system,
A supplementary file for homoclinic and heteroclinic controller sets for Bogdanov-Takens singularity.
M. Gazor, A. Shoghi,
CW complexes and bifurcation control in Eulerian flows with multiple Hopf singularities,
arXiv:2002.10452 (2023) 44 pages.
M. Gazor,
Condensation rank of injective Banach spaces,
arXiv:1104.4896 (2011).
Recent Publications:
M. Gazor, A. Shoghi,
Normal forms of double Hopf oscillators with radial nonlinearities,
Physica D (2023) 133813.
For the arXiv version see arXiv:1812.11528
M. Gazor, B. Hamzi, A. Shoghi,
The infinite level normal forms for non-resonant double Hopf singularities,
Systems & Control Letters 176 (2023) 105529.
For the arXiv version see here.
M. Gazor, A. Shoghi,
Leaf-normal form classification for n-tuple Hopf singularities,
Communications in Mathematical Physics 396 (2022), no. 2, 481–526.
To veiw this paper click here.
M. Gazor, A. Shoghi,
Tone-colour in music and bifurcation control,
J. Differential Equations 326 (2022) 129-163.
Generated sounds of C#4 can be downloaded from here:
1. Violin case: Two consecutive pitchfork bifurcations followed by a double saddle-node bifurcation. These constitute a complete hysteresis cycle:
An audio C#4 file played by a violin Simulated C#4 violin file obtained via bifurcation control
2. Piano case: A consecutive ordered set of four different type of pitchfork bifurcations. These correspond with appearances and disappearances of flow-invariant harmonic toral limit sets.
An audio C#4 file played by a piano Simulated C#4 piano file obtained via bifurcation control
M. Gazor, A. Shoghi,
Bifurcation control and sound intensities in musical art,
J. Differential Equations 293 (2021) 86--110.
A Geometric analysis of musical chords and sound intensity variations using bifurcation control,
Simulated first 13 bars of the Godfather music by differential systems
M. Gazor, M. Kazemi,
Singularity: A Maple library for local zero bifurcation control of scalar smooth maps,
Transactions of the ASME Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 15 (2020) 011001.
The American Society of Mechnaical Engineers (ASME).
M. Gazor, F. Mokhtari, J.A. Sanders,
Vector potential normal forms for integrable solenoidal nilpotent singularities,
J. Differential Equations 267 (2019) 407--442. [pdf]
M. Gazor, N. Sadri,
Bifurcation controller designs for the generalized cusp plants of Bogdanov--Takens singularity with an application to ship control,
SIAM J. Control and Optimization 57 (2019) 2122--2151.
M. Gazor, M. Kazemi,
Normal Form Analysis of Z_2-Equivariant Singularities,
Internat. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 29 (2019) 1950015, 20 pages.
- M. Gazor, N. Sadri,
Bifurcation control and universal unfolding for Hopf-zero singularities with leading solenoidal terms,
SIAM J. Applied Dynamical Systems 15 (2016) 870–903. [pdf]
Dedicated to the late Professor James Murdock.
M. Gazor, F. Mokhtari,
Normal Forms of Hopf--Zero singularity,
Nonlinearity 28 (2015) 311--330.
M. Gazor, M. Moazeni,
Parametric normal forms for Bogdanov--Takens singularity; the generalized saddle-node case,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 35 (2015) 205–224.
M. Gazor, F. Mokhtari, J.A. Sanders,
Normal forms for Hopf--Zero singularities with nonconservative nonlinear part,
J. Differential Equations 254 (2013) 1571--1581.
- M. Gazor, F. Mokhtari,
Volume-preserving normal forms of Hopf-Zero singularity,
Nonlinearity 26 (2013) 2809-2832.
M. Gazor, P. Yu,
Spectral sequences and parametric normal forms,
J. Differential Equations 252 (2012) 1003--1031.
A. Ghobadzadeh, S. Gazor, M.R. Taban, A.A. Tadaion, M. Gazor,
Separating Function Estimation Tests: A New Perspective on Binary Composite Hypothesis Testing,
IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing 60 (2012) 5626--5639.