مخابرات چند آنتنی و همکارانه رله ای

مطالب درس :


Chapter 1: Introduction- From SISO to MIMO

Chapter 2: MIMO Channel Modelling

Chapter 3: MIMO Capacity

Chapter 4: Space Diversity techniques

·         Transmit Diversity

·         Receive Diversity

Chapter 5: Space Time codes

·         Orthogonal codes

·         Non-orthogonal codes

Chapter 6: Beamforming techniques

·         SVD Beamforming

·         Maximum Eigen mode Beamforming

·         Transmit Beamforming (MF/ZF/MMSE Precoding)

Chapter 7: Multiuser Detection techniques

·         Dirty Paper coding

·         MF/ZF/MMSE Detection

Chapter 8: Massive MIMO

Chapter 9: Cooperative Relaying



مراجع :


  • MIMO Wireless Communications: from Real-world Propagation to Space-time Code Design, by C Oestages and B Clerckx, AP, 2007
  • MIMO System Technology for Wireless Communications, by George Tsoulos, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2006 
  • Space-Time Coding for Broadband Wireless Communications, by G.B. Gianakis, Z.Liu, X. Ma, S. Zhou, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2007
  • Cooperative Wireless Communications, Yan Zhang, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Mohsen Guizani, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2009
  • Cooperative Communications and Networking, by K. J. Rayliu, A.K. Sadek, W. Su, A.K. Wasinski, Cambridge University Press, 2009
  • Chapter 10 of : Wireless communication By: Andréa Goldsmith 
  • MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB  Yong Soo Cho, Jaekwon Kim, Won Young Yang, Chung G. Kan
  • Practical guide to MIMO radio channel using Matlab, by Tim Brown, 2012