Use of Vis-NIR reflectance spectroscopy for estimating soil phosphorus sorption parameters at the watershed scale
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Interactive effects of Ag nanoparticles/nitrate and plant root systems on quality indicators and aggregate stability of two texturally-different soils
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Exploring genotypic variation and gene expression associated to cadmium accumulation in bread wheat
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Isolation, identification, and application of zinc-solubilizing bacteria exhibiting beneficial traits to promote plant growth and metal uptake
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Zinc foliar application may alleviate drought stress in wheat species through physiological changes
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Zinc biofortification of wheat through fertilizer and genotype management
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Zinc foliar application may alleviate drought stress in wheat species through physiological changes
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Effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles on carbon mineralization kinetics and microbial attributes in plant residue-amended soils
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Selection of the best nitrogen fertilizer management scenario in wheat based on Palmer drought severity index with an environmental perspective
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Impacts of ZnO nanoparticles and dissolved zinc (ZnSO<sub>4</sub>) on low temperature induced responses of wheat
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Digital mapping of soil phosphorous sorption parameters (PSPs) using environmental variables and machine learning algorithms
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Wheat grain quality changes with water stress, zinc, and iron applications predicted by the solvent retention capacity (SRC)
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Combined foliar application of Zn and Fe increases grain micronutrient concentrations and alleviates water stress across diverse wheat species and ploidal levels
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Investigating the performance of adsorbents made from the canola stalk for the removal of lead from aqueous solutions
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Adsorptive Removal of Lead from Water Using a Novel Cysteine-Bentonite/Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Alginate Nanocomposite
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Kinetics of Lead Remobilization from Montmorillonite by Glutamate Diacetate (GLDA), Methylglycine Diacetate (MGDA), and Ethylenediamine Tetraacetate (ETDA) Chelating Agents
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Comparison of Different Machine Learning Methods for Predicting Cation Exchange Capacity Using Environmental and Remote Sensing Data
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Efficiency of MGDA and GLDA ligands in extracting plant-available Zn from calcareous soils: kinetics and optimization of extraction conditions
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Changes in iron mineralogy and magnetic susceptibility during crude oil incubation in four textural soils in central Iran
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Use of biochar as a possible means of minimizing phosphate fixation and external P requirement of acidic soil
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