
Conference Papers
Title Date type
Prepration and evalution of Pt-Ru/Acetylen Black (AB) catalyst for methanol electrooxidation Conference
effect of ionic liquid structure on the performance of DMFCs anode catalyst Conference
A Sensitive Chemiluminescence Determination of Glutathione in Human blood Using luminol- diperiodatoargentate(III) System Conference
A Simple and Rapid Chemiluminescence determination of cysteine in human serum with Luminol-Diperiodatoargentate(III) system Conference
Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Selective Solid-Phase Extraction of Phenazopyridine from Pharmaceutical and Serum Sample Analysis Followed by Electrospray Ionization Ion Mobility Spectrometry (MIP-ESI-IMS) Conference
Simultaneous analysis of caffeine and theophylline using ion mobility spectrometry with electrospray ionization source (ESI-IMS) Conference
Effect of synthetic modifire on the performance of DMFC anode electrode Conference
Immobilization of specific monoclonal antibody on Au nanoparticles for hGH detection by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy Conference
simultaneous determination of caffeine and theophylline using electrospray ionization ion mobility spectrometry (ESI-IMS) Conference
Separation and preconcentration of copper ion from aqueous solutions by using solid phase extraction with Mebqb as a ligand that immobilized on the graphite Conference
Influence of 1-methylimidazolium hydrogen sulfate as an electrolyte additive on the electrochemical and corrosion behaviors of lead-acid battery Conference
a fast response potentiometric PVC membrane sensor for selective determination of Sm3 based on 1 3-di(thiophene imino)benzoic acid Conference
Simultaneous determination of caffeine and theophylline using electrospray ionization source ion mobility spectrometry (ESI-IMS) Conference
Selective separation and determination of primidone in the pharmaceutical and human serum samples using molecular imprinted polymer-electrospray ionization ion mobility spectrometry (MIP-ESI-IMS) Conference
Using adsorptive stripping voltammetry for determination of ultratrace levels of RDX high Explosive on the MWCNT-silver nanostructures electrode Conference
DNA biosensor for electrochemical determination of morphine Conference
Solid -phase moleculary imprinted preconcentration and determination of hydrochlorothiazide in pharmaceutical samples Conference
electroanalytical studies on cobalt(II) selective potentiometric sensor based on 3 3 -(dodecylazanediyl)bis(N-(2-(2-aminoethylamino)etheyl)propanamide) in poly(vinyl choloride) Conference
Electrocatalytic determination of isoprenaline on a MWCNTs- CoHCF nanocomposite electrode Conference
Using of MWCNTs modified glassy carbon electrode for adsorptive stripping voltammetric determination of ultratrace levels of RDX explosive Conference