Resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization spectroscopy of the NF molecule 1 3Phi 3d and 4d Rydberg states
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Ultraviolet Photolysis of HOCl REMPI Measurement of the Relative Population of Chlorine Atom (2P)spin-orbit States
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Identification of Amino Acids by NeW Laser Methos in TOF mass Spectrometry
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Ion attachment mass spectrometry of Amino acids by laser radiation
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Products of Acetaminophen Ionization in Corona Discharge Theoretical and experimental study
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Photo-dissociation/Ionization of Proline Theoretical and Experimental study
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DFT Study of kinetics and thermodynamics of proton transfer and proton-bound dimer formation of methyl isobutyl ketone and 2 4 dimethyl pyridine
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Valance Photoelectron spectroscopy of DL-Alanine Amino acide
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Formation of Proton-bound Dimers in Atmospheric Pressure A Thermodynamic Study
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Combined Photoionization and Corona Discharge Ionization Sources for Ion Mobility Spectrometry
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Valance Photoelectron Spectroscopy of DL-Valine Amino-Acid
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Peak to Peak Repulsion in Ion Mobility Spectrometry
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Two-Dimentional High Resolution Optogalvanic Spectroscop
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A Non-Radioactive Electron Capture Detector for GC
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A Charged Particle Source at Atmospheric Pressure
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Kinetic Study of Proton Transfer Reaction using Ion Mobility Spectrometry
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Thermodynamic Study of Proton-Bond Dimer Formation Reaction in Gas Phase
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NO as Reactant Ion in Ion Mobility Spectrometry
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Study of Two Photon Time-Resolved Optogalvanic Signals of Neon in the 600-630 nm Region
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Improved IMS performance using an inversed mode of operation for the shutter grid
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