Novel feature extraction in laser light backscattering imaging for real-time monitoring of quince moisture content during hot-air drying
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Spatial analysis of hyperspectral images for detecting adulteration levels in bon-sorkh (Allium jesdianum L.) seeds: Application of voting classifiers
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Early monitoring of drought stress in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) using hyperspectral imaging: a comparison of machine learning tools and feature selection approaches
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Evaluating geometric measurement accuracy based on 3D model reconstruction of nursery tomato plants by Agisoft photoscan software
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Development and evaluation of a rope climbing sprayer robot for greenhouse environment
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Classification of some Iranian Vicia species using SEM image analysis coupled with conventional texture analysis and deep learning
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Integrating in-field Vis-NIR leaf spectroscopy and deep learning feature extraction for growth-stage dependent and independent genotyping of wheat plants
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Soil mechanical reinforcement by the fibrous roots of selected rangeland plants using a large soil-root shear apparatus
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Design and Development of a Rose Plant Disease-Detection and Site-spesific Spraying System Based on a Combination of Infrared and Visible Images
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Detection of pre-symptomatic rose powdery-mildew and gray-mold diseases based on thermal vision
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Classification using radial-basis neural networks based on thermographic assessment of Botrytis cinerea infected cut rose flowers treated with methyl jasmonate
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Early Detection and Classification of Powdery Mildew Infected Rose leaves using ANFIS Based on Extracted Features of Thermal Images
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تأثير سرعت پوست گير ضربه اي و رطوبت دانه بر شاخص هاي عملكردي فرآيند پوست گيري يولاف
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طراحي، ساخت و ارزيابي موزع تسمه اي كاشت سيب زميني
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ارزيابي توزيع عرضي، ارتفاع پاشش و اندازه قطرات در سه نوع سم پاش ULV قابل نصب بر روي وانت
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شبيه سازي به روش كوپل CFD-DEM غربال استوانه اي دوار به منظور بررسي اثر پارامترهاي عملكردي بر بازده جداسازي برنج
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اثر ويژگي هاي عملكردي پهپادسمپاش بر الگوي نشست قطرات سم در ناحيه هدف
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تعيين مكان بهينه قرارگيري حسگرهاي دماي هوا در گلخانه بر اساس آناليز ديناميك سيالات محاسباتي
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مطالعه اي بر تعيين مكان بهينه قرارگيري حسگر دماي هوا در گلخانه بر اساس آناليز ديناميك سيالات محاسباتي
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بررسي اثر تنش خشكي بر هندسه سه بعدي ايجاد شده به روش ساختار ناشي از حركت گياه گوجه فرنگي
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