Synthesis and characterization of reverse osmosis membrane for seawater desalination
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Using PERVAP 2201 Membrane in Vapor Permeation Facilitated Isopropanol Propionate Production through Esterification Reacton
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Application of ED and EDI Processes in NaOH Recovery from Merox Spent Caustic Waste
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Mathematical Modelling of Dye Removal from Aqueous Solution in a Fixed Bed Column Using Exfoliated Graphite as Adsorbent
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Experimental study on removal of MTBE from aqueous solution by exfoliated graphite
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Dye Pollutant Removal from Water by Membrane Filtration Using a Membrane Made by Mlectrospinning of Submicron Nylon 6 Fibers
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Uranium separation from wastewater by electrodialysis
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Adsorption Isotherm Studies of Acid Dye Removal by Exfoliated Graphite
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Uranium Separation from Wastewaters by Continuous Eectrodeionization (CEDI) Using Cation Exchange Resins
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NaOH Recovery from Waste Stream of Merox Process Using Electrodialysis
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Synthesis and characterization of nano-porous La0.6Ca0.4MnO3 perovskite oxide with large surface area by modified citrate gel precursor method
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Hydrogen peroxide decomposition over La1-xCaxMnO3 perovskites
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Optimization of the synthesis condition of nano-porous alumina membrane by slip casting method
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Modelling of pervaporation separation of organic- organic mixtures through polymeric membranes by using UNIFAC equation
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Application of electrodialysis for NaOH recovery from waste stream of MEROX process
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Design and Development of a Heat Pump Rough Rice Dryer A Study of Energy and Quality
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The effect of particle size and concentration MDH on flammability and mechanical properties high density polyethylene and ethyl Vinyl acetate (HDPE/EVA) compound
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ZSM-5 Zeolite Membrane Preparation a Review
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The mixed matrix membranes made with zeolite and polymer
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Application of zeolite membranes in the membrane reactors
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