
Conference Papers
Title Date type
Synthesis and characterization of reverse osmosis membrane for seawater desalination Conference
Using PERVAP 2201 Membrane in Vapor Permeation Facilitated Isopropanol Propionate Production through Esterification Reacton Conference
Application of ED and EDI Processes in NaOH Recovery from Merox Spent Caustic Waste Conference
Mathematical Modelling of Dye Removal from Aqueous Solution in a Fixed Bed Column Using Exfoliated Graphite as Adsorbent Conference
Experimental study on removal of MTBE from aqueous solution by exfoliated graphite Conference
Dye Pollutant Removal from Water by Membrane Filtration Using a Membrane Made by Mlectrospinning of Submicron Nylon 6 Fibers Conference
Uranium separation from wastewater by electrodialysis Conference
Adsorption Isotherm Studies of Acid Dye Removal by Exfoliated Graphite Conference
Uranium Separation from Wastewaters by Continuous Eectrodeionization (CEDI) Using Cation Exchange Resins Conference
NaOH Recovery from Waste Stream of Merox Process Using Electrodialysis Conference
Synthesis and characterization of nano-porous La0.6Ca0.4MnO3 perovskite oxide with large surface area by modified citrate gel precursor method Conference
Hydrogen peroxide decomposition over La1-xCaxMnO3 perovskites Conference
Optimization of the synthesis condition of nano-porous alumina membrane by slip casting method Conference
Modelling of pervaporation separation of organic- organic mixtures through polymeric membranes by using UNIFAC equation Conference
Application of electrodialysis for NaOH recovery from waste stream of MEROX process Conference
Design and Development of a Heat Pump Rough Rice Dryer A Study of Energy and Quality Conference
The effect of particle size and concentration MDH on flammability and mechanical properties high density polyethylene and ethyl Vinyl acetate (HDPE/EVA) compound Conference
ZSM-5 Zeolite Membrane Preparation a Review Conference
The mixed matrix membranes made with zeolite and polymer Conference
Application of zeolite membranes in the membrane reactors Conference