
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Comparison of the Thermal and Vibrational Stress Relief Methods in Terms of Mechanical and Metallurgical Aspects of Rolled AA2024 Specimens # Journal
Analyzing the Performance of Optical Nanocomposite Smart Window in a Smart Building # Journal
Comparative performance of fused deposit modeling 3D printed and injection molded polylactic acid/thermoplastic starch/nanoclay bio-based nanocomposites 10.1002/pat.6019 Journal
Design, fabrication, and characterization of thermal and optical properties of nano-composite self-cleaning smart window # Journal
Experimental investigation of magnetic abrasive polishing of paramagnetic workpieces # Journal
A study of pressureless microwave sintering microwave-assisted hot press sintering and conventional hot pressing on properties of aluminium/alumina nanocomposite # Journal
Couple Stress Efect on Micro/Nanocantilever-based Capacitive Gas Sensor # Journal
A comparative study on wear properties of nanostructured Al and Al/Al2O3nanocomposite prepared by microwave-assisted hot press sintering and conventional hot pressing # Journal
Finite Element modeling of Microwave-Assisted Hot Press process in a multimode furnace 10.1016/j.apm.2015.03.007 Journal
Modelling the Size Effects on the Mechanical Properties of Micro/Nano Structures # Journal
Finite Element Modelling of Microwave- Assisted Hot Press Process in a Multimode Furnace # Journal
Effect of Grinding on the Residual Stress and Adhesion Strength of HVOF Thermally Sprayed WC-10Co-4Cr Coating # Journal
Grinding Force Specific Energy and Material Removal Mechanism in Grinding of HVOF-Sprayed WC-Co_Cr Coating # Journal
A Comparative Study on Wear Properties of Nanostructured Al and Al/Al2O3 Nanocomposite Prepared by Microwave-Assisted Hot Press Sintering and Conventional Hot Pressing # Journal
Applying the polar Modulation Technique to the Design of High-Efficiency Power Amplifying Systems with Class C and E Power Amplifiers # Journal
Identification and Classification of Plastic Resins using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy # Journal
Improving the Quality of Surface in Polishing Process with the Magnetic Abresive Powder Polishing (MAPP) by Use of Ultrasonic Oscillation of workpiece on a CNC Table # Journal
Sorting of Polypropylene resins by color in MSW using visible reflectance spectroscopy # Journal
Improving the quality of surface in the polishing process with the magnetic abrasive powder polishing using a high-frequency induction heating source on CNC table # Journal
Use of PLC Module to Control a Rotary Table to Cut Spiral Bevel Gear with Three-axis CNC Milling # Journal