Nanostructured Ni(Cr) solid solution produced by mechanical alloying
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Fabrication and characterization of NiCr-hBN nanocomposite using mechanical alloying
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Enhanced proliferation and mineralization of human fetal osteoblast cells on PHBV-bredigite nanofibrous scaffolds
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Study of electroplated Ni-Mo and Ni-Mo-P coated stainless steel as bipolar plates in PEM fuel cell
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Enhanced electrical properties and fuel cell performance of 316L stainless steel bipolar plate coated with amorphous NiMoP layer
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Evaluation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Resistance Spot Welded with optimize of parameters in Advanced High Strength Steel TRIP 980
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Microstructural characterization of Fe-Al composite layers fabricated by plasma spraying and friction stir processing
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Microstructure and Crystallographic Texture Variations in the Friction-Stir-Welded Al-Al2O3-WC Metal Matrix Composite Produced by Accumulative Roll-Bonding
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Effect of annealing treatment on the structure and properties of the nanograined Ni-Al coatings produced by mechanical alloying coating process
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Friction Stir Welding Al-TiC Composite Produced by Accumulative Roll Bonding
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Effect of Al2O3 Particles on the Hardness Tensile Strength and Microstructure of dissimilar A2024 Aluminum Alloy to pure Copper FSW joint
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A comparative study on direct and pulsed current gas tungsten arc welding of alloy 617
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Fabrication of hybrid nanocomposite coating from Ti-Al-C powders mixture on Ti substrate by means of mechanical alloying
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microstructure and wear propertis of Fe-Cr-C and Fe-Cr-Nb-C clads on carbon steel by TIG surfacing process
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Corrosion Behavior and Galvanic Corrosion Studies of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy GTA Weldment in HCl Solution
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Synthesis of Mo-Si-B nanocomposite powder by mechanical alloying and subsequent heat treatment
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Corrosion characterization of Ti-6Al-4V gas tungsten arc weldment
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Hardfacing by a boron rich alloy to combat severe wear
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Effects of pulsed GTA Welding on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AISI 316 Stainless Steel Welds
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