Effects of petrochemical wastes incinerator ash powder instead of Portland cement on the properties of concrete
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Use of carbonate precipitating bacteria to reduce water absorption of aggregates
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Implementing ANN to minimize sewage systems concrete corrosion with glass beads substitution
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Simulating FRP debonding from concrete surface in FRP strengthened RC beams A case study
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Bond Behavior of CFRP Sheets Attached to Concrete through EBR and EBROG Joints Subject to Mixed-Mode I/II Loading
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Estimating the Seismic Performance of CFRP-Retrofitted RC Beam-Column Connections Using Fiber-Section Analysis
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Experimental investigation into bond behavior of FRP-to-concrete under mixed-mode I/II loading
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Effects of Surface Preparation Method on FRP-Concrete Bond Strength under Alkaline Conditions
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Experimental Investigation of the Efficacy of EBROG Method in Seismic Rehabilitation of Deficient Reinforced Concrete Beam Column Joints Using CFRP Sheets
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Determination of optimized mix design and curing conditions of reactive powder concrete (RPC)
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Analytical Assessment of CFRP Retrofitted Reinforced-Concrete Buildings Subjected to Near-Fault Ground Motions
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Reducing Permeability of Concrete by Bacterial Mediation on Surface Using Treatment Gel
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Influence of different bonding and wrapping techniques on performance of beams strengthened in shear using CFRP reinforcement
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Influence of magnesium sulphate concentration on durability of concrete containing micro-silica slag and limestone powder using durability index
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Axial-flexural interaction in square RC columns confined by intermittent CFRP wraps
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Performance of corner strips in CFRP confinement of rectinear RC columns
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Corner Strip-Batten Technique for FRP-Confinement of Square RC Columns under Eccentric Loading
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Experimental Study of Circular RC Columns Strengthened with Longitudinal CFRP Composites under Eccentric Loading Comparative Evaluationof EBR and EBROG Methods
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Effect of GM patterns on ductility and debonding control of FRP sheets in RC strengthened beams
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