
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
The effect of preceding crop on wheat grain zinc concentration and its relationship to total amino acids and dissolved organic carbon in rhizosphere soil solution # Journal
Iron(II) amino acid chelates alleviate salt-stress induced oxidative damages on tomato grown in nutrient solution culture # Journal
Agricultural zinc fluxes into soils and crops of central Iran at regional scale # Journal
Effect of silicon nutrition on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant response of cucumber plants exposed to salinity stress # Journal
The effect of foliar application of nickel in the mineral form and urea-Ni complex on fresh weight and nitrogen metabolism of lettuce # Journal
Preparation of nano-particles from waste tire rubber and evaluation of their effectiveness as zinc source for cucumber in nutrient solution culture # Journal
Stimulating and toxicity effects of nickel on growth yield and fruit quality of cucumber supplied with different nitrogen sources # Journal
Controlled release of fertilizer microcapsules using Ethylene Vinyl Acetate polymer to enhance micronutrient and water use efficiency # Journal
Silicon nutrition and phytophthora drechsleri infection effects on growth and mineral nutrients concentration uptake and relative translocation in hydroponic-grown cucumber # Journal
Health Risks of Metals in Soil Water and Major Food Crops in Hamedan Province Iran # Journal
Synthesis Characterization and Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Zinc(II) Amino Acid Complexes as Ecofriendly Plant Growth Promoters and Highly Bioavailable Sources of Zinc # Journal
Effect of tire rubber ash and zinc sulfate on yield and grain zinc and cadmium concentrations of different zinc-deficiency tolerance wheat cultivars under field conditions # Journal
Effect of zinc nutrition on salinity-induced oxidative damages in wheat genotypes differing in zinc deficiency tolerance # Journal
Effect of Soil and Foliar Application of Iron and Zinc on Quantitative and Qualitative Yield of Pomegranate # Journal
Zinceamino acid complexes are more stable than free amino acids in saline and washed soils # Journal
Phytosiderophore release by wheat genotypes differing in 1 zinc deficiency tolerance grown at Zn-free nutrient solution as affected by salinity # Journal
The effectiveness of foliar applications of synthesized zinc-amino acid chelates in comparison with zinc sulfate to increase yield and grain nutritional quality of wheat # Journal
Mapping of human health risks arising from soil nickel and mercury contamination # Journal
Studies on the role of root morphology attribution in salt tolerance of blue-panicgrass (Panicum antidotale Retz.) using artificial neural networks (ANN) # Journal