Signed Social Network Vulnerability Analysis in Terms of Clustering coefficient and Balance Theory
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A multi-objective optimization approach for overlapping dynamic community detection
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An empirical analysis for software robustness vulnerability in terms of modularity quality
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A differential machine learning approach for trust prediction in signed social networks
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Resiliency-aware analysis of complex IoT process chains
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An Approach to Modeling and Simulating Resiliency in Multidisciplinary Microservice Networks
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DiffPageRank: an efficient differential PageRank approach in MapReduce
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Bayesian-OverDBC: A Bayesian Density-Based Approach for Modeling Overlapping Clusters
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OverDBC: A new density-based clustering method with the ability of detecting overlapped clusters from gene expression data
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OverDBC: A new density-based clustering method with the ability of detecting overlapped clusters from gene expression data
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First-Price Sealed Auction Model with Increased Fairness for Resource Allocation in Grids
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An Efficient Collaborative Filtering for Recommendation Systems Using Differential Machine Learning
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Ranking Resilience Events in IoT Industrial Networks
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A Trust-Based Vulnerability Analysis in Signed Social Networks
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رويكردي براي تحليل آسيب پذيري شبكه هاي اجتماعي مبتني بر عملكرد با استفاده از ضريب خوشه بندي
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يك الگوريتم جديد بهينه سازي ازدحام ذرات چندهدفه بر مبناي تعادل ساختاري در شبكه هاي اجتماعي علامت دار
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بررسي آسيب پذيري شبكه هاي اجتماعي وزندار با استفاده از ضريب خوشه بندي
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يك الگوريتم موازي براي محاسبه ضريب خوشه بندي در شبكه هاي علامت دار بزرگ
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بهبود الگوريتم CAST با تعيين حدآستانه پويا براي خوشه بندي داده هاي بيان ژن
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