Safflower's (Carthamus tinctorius L.) physio-biochemical mechanisms to improve its drought tolerance
10.1007/s11738-021-03254-w |
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The Effects of Callus Elicitation on Lepidine, Phenolic Content, and Antioxidant Activity of Lepidium sativum L.: Chitosan and Gibberellic Acid
10.1007/s00344-021-10368-5 |
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Discrimination of drought tolerance in a worldwide collection of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) genotypes based on selection indices
10.14720/aas.2021.117.1.1656 |
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Phytochemical analysis on the seeds of a new Iranian Plantago ovata Forssk. population specimen
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A comprehensive study on Plantago ovata / PVA biocompatible nanofibers: Fabrication, characterization, and biological assessment
10.1002/app.49560 |
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Phytochemical, biochemical, and growth changes in response to salinity in callus cultures of Nigella sativa L.
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Evaluation of genetic diversity in the world collection of Eruca sativa L. using oil content, fatty acids and molecular markers
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Qualitative and semi-quantitative phytochemical analysis on the seeds of a new Nigella sativa L. population exemplar from Iran
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Essential oils, chemical constituents, antioxidant, antibacterial and in vitro cytotoxic activity of different Thymus species and Zataria multiflora collected from Iran
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Transient expression of the full-length glycoprotein from infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) leaves via agroinfiltration
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Improvement of yield and yield stability in safflower using multivariate, parametric and non-parametric methods under different irrigation treatments and planting date
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preliminary phytochemical screening, evaluation of the phenolic compositions and antioxidant activity of Four Iranian Alyssum species
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roduction Enhancement of Medicinally Active Coumarin and Phenolic Compounds in Hairy Root Cultures of Pelargonium sidoides: The Effect of Elicitation and Sucrose.
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Genetic variation of Eruca sativa L. genotypes revealed by agromorphological traits and ISSR molecular markers
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Determination of phenolic compounds, antioxidant and anticancer activity of Chrozophora tinctoria accessions collected from different regions of Iran
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The effects of chitosan and salicylic acid on elicitation of secondary metabolites and antioxidant activity of safflower under in vitro salinity stress
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Effects of sodium alginate elicitation on secondary metabolites and antioxidant activity of safflower genotypes under in vitro salinity stress
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Molecular evolution and selection pressure analysis of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) revealed the origin and phylogenetic relationship of Iranian isolates in recent epidemics in Iran
10.1016/j.virol.2019.06.012 |
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Evaluation of in vitro mucilage and lepidine biosynthesis in different genotypes of Lepidium sativum Linn originated from Iran
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