Use of Vis-NIR reflectance spectroscopy for estimating soil phosphorus sorption parameters at the watershed scale
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Novel feature extraction in laser light backscattering imaging for real-time monitoring of quince moisture content during hot-air drying
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Spatial analysis of hyperspectral images for detecting adulteration levels in bon-sorkh (Allium jesdianum L.) seeds: Application of voting classifiers
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Early monitoring of drought stress in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) using hyperspectral imaging: a comparison of machine learning tools and feature selection approaches
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Microwave spectroscopy in a free-space arrangement for nondestructive quality assessment of chicken eggs: Comparing different measurement modes and feature selection approaches
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Using visible and near infrared spectroscopy and machine learning for estimating total petroleum hydrocarbons in contaminated soils
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Integrating proximal soil sensing data and environmental variables to enhance the prediction accuracy for soil salinity and sodicity in a region of Xinjiang Province, China
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Machine vision-based algorithms to detect sunburn pomegranate for use in a sorting machine
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Detection of rice type and its storage duration via an improved particle swarm optimization algorithm
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Integrating in-field Vis-NIR leaf spectroscopy and deep learning feature extraction for growth-stage dependent and independent genotyping of wheat plants
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Fertility detection of unincubated chicken eggs by hyperspectral transmission imaging in the Vis-SWNIR region
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A novel simulation model to analyze rice intermittent drying considering glass transition concept
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Magnetic susceptibility as a proxy for detection of total petroleum hydrocarbons in contaminated wetlands
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Prediction and variability mapping of some physicochemical characteristics of calcareous topsoil in an arid region using Vis-SWNIR and NIR spectroscopy
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Broadband acoustic resonance dissolution spectroscopy of natural edible salts: Visualization and interpretation for descriptive and diagnostic analysis
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The effect of adjusting fruit loading by pruning on the yield and quality of sweet pepper in low light condition
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Unsupervised modelling of rice aroma change during ageing based on electronic nose coupled with bio-inspired algorithms
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Broadband acoustic resonance dissolution spectroscopy as a rapid tool for the compositional analysis of food powders: A case study of edible salts
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Modifying genetic algorithm by dynamic memory and solution reconstructing mechanism for selectivity control of chemical sensors
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Comparison of Vis/SWNIR and NIR spectrometers combined with different multivariate techniques for estimating soil fertility parameters of calcareous topsoil in an arid climate
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