Influence of Cold Rolling on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of FeCoCrNiMn High-Entropy Alloy
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The effect of surface energy on the wettability of graphene-coated copper: A comparison of different single and multilayer graphene
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The Role of Graphene Defects in Graphene-Coated Copper Oxidation Behavior
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Graphene coated copper in a one-year atmospheric corrosion and color preserving challenge
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Graphene Layer Morphology and Oxidation Behavior Induced by Step Bunches Created on Copper Substrate
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Evaluation of graphene transparent coating on copper for color and oxidation control at low temperatures
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Synthesis and surface-functionalizing of ordered mesoporous carbon CMK-3 for removal of nitrate from aqueous solution as an effective adsorbent
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The role of thermal improvements in indurating machines for pellet production from high-sulfur magnetite concentrate
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High efficiency decolorization of wastewater by Fenton catalyst: Magnetic iron-copper hybrid oxides
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Investigating the Failure of Exhaust Impeller Fan Blades of Indurating Machines in Iron Ore Pelletizing Plant: Effective Solutions for Improvements
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Low-cost nanostructured Fe2O3-based composite catalysts synthesized by mechanical milling for CO oxidation reaction
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Synthesis and characterization of nHA-PLA composite coating on stainless steel 316L by dip-coating process for biomedical applications
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Preparation and characterization of in situ chitosan/polyethylene glycol fumarate/thymol hydrogel as an effective wound dressing
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The Influence of HH Type Steel Microstructure on the Distortion Behavior of Grate Bar Part in the Indurating Machine of Pelletizing Plant
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سنتز و ارزيابي نانوپوشش شفاف گرافن چندلايه براي كنترل اكسيداسيون مس
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بررسي تاثير عمليات حرارتي آستمپرينگ بر رفتار فرسايشي چذن داكتيل آلياژي
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تأثير گرمايش طولاني بر رفتار مكانيكي و تريبولوژي پوششهاي غوطه وري بر پايه روي
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بهبود فرايند سيانوراسيون كانسنگ طلا حاوي تركيبات سولفيدي توسط عمليات تصفيه آب و افزودن فرات سديم
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بررسي ترشوندگي و ساير خواص فيزيكي ذرات كنسانتره سنگ آهن هاي مصرفي در واحد گندله سازي شركت فولاد مباركه
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ايجاد شرايط بهينه جهت توليد گندله خام مناسب از كنسانتره هاي سنگ آهن با سطح ويژه پايين توسط افزودنيهاي آلي و معدني
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