Near-Optimality of the Minimum Average Redundancy Code for Almost All Monotone Sources
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Reducing Interpolation Artifacts for Mutual Information Based Image Registration
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A Kraft-Type Sufficient Condition for the Existence of D-Ary Fix-Free Codes
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Encoding Finite Sources with Ranked Probabilities
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Extension of the Lasserre-Avrachenkov Theorem on the Integral of Multilinear Forms over the Simplices
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Confliction of the Convexity and Metric Properties in f-Divergences
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The Minimum Average Code for Finite Memoryless Monotone Sources
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ATree based Algorithm for Generating All Possible Binary Compact Codes with N Codewords
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Mutual information-based image template matching with small template size
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Two Recursive Versions of the Shannon Code
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Improving the Performance of LP Decoders for Cyclic Codes
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On the Overall Performance of the Uniform Code
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On the Capability of the Harada-Kobayashi Algorithm in Finding Fix-Free Codewords
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The Overall Performance of the Shannon Code
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The Supertree of the Compact Codes
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Some Sufficient Conditions of the Existence of D-ary Fix-Free Codes
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A Class of Average Distributions for Monotone Sources
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توليد همه كدهاي فشرده با محدوديت روي كوچك ترين طول كد
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گيرنده آشكارسازي چندكاربره با استفاده از برنامه ريزي خطي
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