
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Prediction of permeability in dual fracture media by multivariate regression analysis # Journal
Determining Stress Intensity Factor for Cracked Brazilian Disc Using Extended Finite Element Method # Journal
Numerical investigation of the effect of fracture intensity on deformability and REV of fractured rock masses # Journal
Investigation of grain size effects on micro/macro-mechanical properties of intact rock using Voronoi Element - Discrete Element Method approach # Journal
The effect of fracture patterns on penetration rate of TBM in fractured rock mass using probabilistic numerical approach # Journal
understanding coupled stress flow and transport processes in fractured rocks # Journal
An Investigation of Fracture Geometry in Hydraulic Fracturing on Gas Reservoir Well Production Enhancement # Journal
Effects of fracture geometry and stress on the strength of a fractured rock mass # Journal
Over-consolidation effect on shear behavior of rock joints # Journal
Measuring fracture toughness of crystalline marbles under modes I and II and mixed mode I-II loading conditions using CCNBD and HCCD specimens # Journal
Stress effects on permeability in fractured rock mass with correlated fracture length and aperture # Journal
Design consideration of large caverns by using advanced drilling equipment # Journal
Hydraulic properties of fractured rock masses with correlated fracture length and aperture # Journal
Influence of contact shape and distribution on fluid flow through a fracture Conference
A fast and novel hybrid technique for simulation of fluid flow in large-scale fractured rock masses using streamline method and modified Bresenham line algorithm Conference
Effect of anisotropy of fracture surface on fluid flow Conference
Evaluation of surface roughness of rock-like joints using close range photogrammetry method Conference
Digitisation of hard rock tunnel for remote fracture mapping and virtual training environment Conference
3D Numerical Modeling of Strength in Fractured Rock Mass Conference