مقالات پژوهشی

مقالات پژوهشی انگلیسی:

1. M.H. Enayati, I.T.H. Chang, P. Schumacher, B. Cantor, Mechanical alloying of Ni-Nb alloys, Materials Science Forum, 235-238, 1997, pp. 85-90.


2. P. Schumacher, M.H. Enayati, B. Cantor, Amorphization kinetics of Ni60Nb40 during mechanical alloying, Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials, 2-6, 1999, pp. 351-356.


3. M.H. Enayati, Crystallization behaviour of Ni-Nb amorphous alloys, Scientia Iranica, vol. 9, No. 2, 2002, pp. 157-161.


4. M.H. Enayati, P. Schumacher,  B. Cantor, The structure and thermal stability of mechanically alloyed Ni-Nb-Zr amorphous alloys, Journal of Materials Science, 37, 2002,    pp. 5255-5259.


5. M.H. Enayati, P. Schumacher, B. Cantor, Amorphization of Ni60Nb20Zr20 alloy by mechanical alloying, Materials Science and Engineering A, 375-377, 2004, pp. 812-814.


6.  M.H. Enayati, Z. Sadeghian, M. Salehi, A. Saidi, The effect of milling parameters on the synthesis of Ni3Al intermetallic compound by mechanical alloying, Materials Science and Engineering A, 375-377, 2004, pp. 809-811.


7. M.H. Enayati, M. Zakeri, Production of Fe-C powders with improved structure, International Journal of Iron & Steel Society of Iran, vol. 1, No. 1, 2004, pp. 24-28.


8. M.H. Enayati, Z. Rahmani, Fabrication of nanostructured Al-Al4C3 alloys, Archives of Materials Science, vol. 25, No. 4, 2004, pp. 515-521.


9. M.H. Enayati, M. Salehi, Formation mechanism of Fe3Al and FeAl intermetallic compounds during mechanical alloying, Journal of Materials Science, 40, 2005, pp. 3933-3938.


10. M. Zakeri, R. Yazdani-Rad, M.H. Enayati, M.R. Rahimipour, Synthesis of nanocrystalline MoSi2 by mechanical alloying, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 403, 2005, pp. 258–261.


11. M.H. Enayati, The synthesis of nanocrystalline Ni and Nb powders, International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 1, 2005, pp. 1-7.


12. M. Zakeri, R. Yazdani-Rad, M.H. Enayati, M.R. Rahimipour, Synthesis of MoSi2–Al2O3 nanocomposite by mechanical alloying, Materials Science and Engineering A, 430, 2006, pp. 185-188.


13. M.H. Enayati, M.R. Bafandeh, S. Nosohian, Ball milling of stainless steel scrap chips to produce nanocrystalline powder, Journal of Materials Science, 42, 2007, pp. 2844-2848.


14. M. Zakeri, R. Yazdani-Rad, M.H. Enayati, M.R. Rahimipour, I. Mobasherpour, Mechanochemical reduction of MoO3/SiO2 powder mixtures by Al and carbon for the synthesis of nanocrystalline MoSi2, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 430, 2007, pp. 170-174.


15. M.H. Enayati, M. Seyed-Salehi, A. Sonboli, Development of Fe3C, SiC and Al4C3 compounds during mechanical alloying, Journal of Materials Science, 42, 2007, pp. 5911-5914.


16. M.H. Enayati, M.R. Bafandeh, Phase transitions in nanostructured Fe-Cr-Ni alloys prepared by mechanical alloying, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 454, 2008, pp. 228-232.


17. M. Tavoosi, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Fabrication of Al-Zn/α-Al2O3 nanocomposite by mechanical alloying, Materials Letters, 62, 2008, pp.282-285.


18. M. Khodaei, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Mechanochemical behaviour of Fe2O3-Al-Fe powder mixtures to produce Fe3Al–Al2O3 nanocomposite powder, Journal of Materials Science, 43, 2008, pp. 132-138.


19. F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, M. Tavoosi, Synthesize and characterization of Zn/Al2O3 nanocomposite by mechanical alloying, Materials Science and Engineering A, 486, 2008, pp. 45-48.


20. M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, S.Z. Anvari, Synthesis of nanocrystalline NiAl by mechanical alloying, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 200, 2008, pp. 312-315.


21. M. Tavoosi, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Softening behaviour of nanostructured Al-14wt%Zn alloy during mechanical alloying, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 464, 2008, pp. 107-110.


22. T. Mousavi, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Abbasi, M.H. Enayati, Investigation of Ni nanocrystallization and the effect of Al2O3 addition by high-energy ball milling, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 204, 2008, pp. 125-129.


23. M.A. Sheikholeslam, M.H. Enayati, K. Raeissi, Characterization of nanocrystalline and amorphous cobalt-phosphorous electrodeposits, Materials Letters, 62, 2008, pp. 3629-3631.


24. T. Mousavi, M.H. Abbasi, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Heat treatment effects on structure and properties of synthesized nanocrystalline NiTi intermetallic by mechanical alloying, International Journal of Modern Physics B (IJMPB), vol. 22, No. 18/19,  2008,  pp. 2970-2978.


25. M. Khodaei, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Fabrication of iron-alumina nanocomposite powder by high energy ball milling of hematite-aluminum powder mixture, International Journal of Modern Physics B (IJMPB), vol. 22, No. 18/19, 2008,  pp. 3233-3236.


26. B. Movahedi, M.H. Enayati, M. Salehi, Thermal spray coatings of Ni-10wt.%Al composite powder synthesis by low energy mechanical milling, Surface Engineering, vol. 25, No. 4, 2009, pp. 276-283.


27. M. Rastgoo Sisakht , S. Nouri Khorasani, M.H. Enayati, A. Zadhoush, Theoritical and experimental determination of tensile properties of nano-sized and micron-sized CaCO3/PA66 composite, Polymer Composites, 30, 2009, pp. 274-280.


28. M. Khodaei, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Mechanochemically synthesized Fe3Al-Al2O3 nanocomposite, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 467, 2009, pp 159-162.


29.  N. Forouzanmehr, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Study on solid state reactions of nanocrystalline TiAl synthesized by mechanical alloying, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 471, 2009, pp. 93-97.


30. M.H. Enayati, G.R. Aryanpour, A. Ebnonnasir, Production of nanostructured WC-Co powder by ball milling, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 27, 2009, pp. 159-163.


31. M. Tavoosi, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Bulk Al-Zn/Al2O3 nanocomposite prepared by reactive milling and hot pressing methods, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 475, 2009, pp. 198-201.


32. M.H. Enayati, M.H. Fathi, A. Zomorodian, Characterization and corrosion properties of novel hydroxyapatite-niobium plasma sprayed coating, Surface Engineering, vol. 25, No. 4, 2009, pp. 338-342.


33. S.Z. Anvari, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Synthesis and characterization of NiAl-Al2O3 nanocomposite powder by mechanical alloying, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 477, 2009, pp. 178-181.


34. A. Heidarpour, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, In situ synthesis mechanism of Al2O3-Mo nanocomposite by ball milling process, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 477, 2009, pp. 692-695.


35. M. Jafari, M.H. Enayati, M.H. Abbasi, F. Karimzadeh, Thermal stability and structural changes during heat treatment of nanostructured Al2024 alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 478, 2009, pp. 260-264.


36. S.M. Hashemi, M.H. Enayati, M.H. Fathi, Plasma spray coatings of Ni-Al-SiC composite, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 18, 2009, pp. 284-291.


37. N. Forouzanmehr, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Synthesis and characterization of TiAl/α-Al2O3 nanocomposite by mechanical alloying, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 478, 2009, pp. 257-259.


38. Z. Sadeghian, M.H. Enayati, P. Beiss, In situ production of Al-TiB2 nanocomposite by double step mechanical alloying, Journal of Materials Science, 44, 2009, pp. 2566-2572.


39. M. Jalaly, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, P. Kameli, Mechanosynthesis of nanostructured magnetic Ni-Zn ferrite, Powder Technology, 193, 2009, pp. 150-153.


40. M. Jalaly, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Investigation of structural and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Ni0.3Zn0.7Fe2O4 prepared by high energy ball milling, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 480, 2009, pp. 737-740.


41. M. Rafiei, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Characterization and formation mechanism of nanocrystalline (Fe,Ti)3Al intermetallic compound prepared by mechanical alloying, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 480, 2009, pp. 392-396.


42. E. Mohammad Sharifi, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, A study on mechanochemical behavior of B2O3-Al system  to produce alumina-based nanocomposite, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 482, 2009, pp. 110-113.


43. E. Mohammad Sharifi, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Fabrication of aluminum matrix hybrid nanocomposite by mechanical alloying, International Journal of Modern Physics B (IJMPB), vol. 23, No. 23, 2009,  pp. 4825-4832.


44. N. Hosseini, M.H. Abbasi, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Structural evolution and grain growth kinetics during isothermal heat treatment of nanostructured Al6061, Materials Science & Engineering A, 525, 2009, pp. 107-111.


45. M. Rafiei, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Mechanochemical synthesis of (Fe,Ti)3Al-Al2O3 nanocomposite, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 488, 2009, pp. 144-147.


46. M. Khodaei, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh,The structure and mechanical properties of Fe3Al–30 vol.% Al2O3 nanocomposite, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 488, 2009, pp. 134-137.


47. M. Tavoosi, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Wear behavior of Al-Al2O3 nanocomposites prepared by mechanical alloying and hot pressing, Materials Science and Technology, 26, 2010, pp. 1114-1119.


48. M. Jafari, M.H. Enayati, M.H. Abbasi, F. Karimzadeh, Compressive and wear behaviors of bulk nanostructured Al2024 alloy, Materials and Design, 31, 2010, pp. 663-669.


49. M. Jalaly, M.H. Enayati, P. Kameli, F. Karimzadeh, Synthesis, grain growth, Cu-doping and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Ni-Zn ferrite, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 24, 2010, pp. 1067-1077.


50. M. Jalaly, M.H. Enayati, P. Kameli, F. Karimzadeh, Effect of composition on structural and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline ball milled Ni1-xZnxFe2O4 ferrite, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 405, 2010, pp. 507-512.


51. E. Mohammad Sharifi, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Mechanochemically synthesized Al2O3-TiC nanocomposite, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 491, 2010, pp. 411-415.


52. A. Mahboubi Soufiani, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Fabrication and characterization of nanostructured Ti6Al4V powder from machining scraps, Advanced Powder Technology, 21, 2010, pp. 336-340.


53. B. Movahedi, M.H. Enayati, C.C. Wong, On the crystallization behavior of amorphous Fe-Cr-Mo-B-P-Si-C powder prepared by mechanical alloying, Materials letters, 64, 2010, pp. 1055-1058.


54. A. Mahboubi Soufiani, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Mechanical alloying behavior of Ti6Al4V residual scraps with addition of Al2O3 to produce nanostructured powder, Materials and Design, 31, 2010, pp. 3954-3959.


55. M. Rafiei, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, The effect of Ti addition on alloying and formation of nanocrystalline structure in Fe-Al system, Journal of Materials Science, 45, 2010, pp. 4058-4062.


56. B. Movahedi, M.H. Enayati, C.C. Wong, Structural and thermal behavior of Fe-Cr-Mo-P-B-C-Si amorphous and nanocrystalline HVOF coatings, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 19, 2010, pp. 1093-1099.


57. B. Movahedi, M.H. Enayati, C.C. Wong, Study on nanocrystallisation and amorphisation in Fe-Cr-Mo-B-P-Si-C system during mechanical alloying, Materials Science and Engineering B, 172, 2010, pp. 50-54.


58. B. Zahmatkesh, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Tribological and microstructural evaluation of friction stir processed Al2024 alloy, Materials and Design, 31, 2010, pp. 4891-4896.


59. N. Hosseini, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Abbasi, M.H. Enayati, Tribological properties of Al6061-Al2O3 nanocomposite prepared by milling and hot pressing, Materials and Design, 31, 2010, pp. 4777-4785.


60. E. Mohammad Sharifi, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Synthesis of titanium diboride reinforced alumina matrix nanocomposite by mechanochemical reaction of Al-TiO2-B2O3, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 502, 2010, pp. 508-512.


61. M.A. Sheikholeslam, K. Raeissi, M.H. Enayati, Study on corrosion behaviour of nanocrystalline and amorphous Co-P electrodeposits, Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, 88(6), 2010, pp. 324-329.


62. Y. Mazaheri, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Nanoindentation study of Al356-Al2O3 nanocomposite prepared by ball milling, Materials Sciences and Applications, 1, 2010, pp. 217-222.


63. B. Zahmatkesh, M.H. Enayati, A novel approach for development of surface nanocomposite by friction stir processing, Materials Science and Engineering A, 527, 2010, pp. 6734-6740.


64. M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, M. Tavoosi, B. Movahedi,  A. Tahvilian, Nanocrystalline NiAl coating prepared by HVOF thermal spraying, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 20, 2011, pp. 440-446.


65. E. Mohammad Sharifi, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Mechanochemical assisted synthesis of B4C nanoparticles, Advanced Powder Technology, 22, 2011, pp. 354-358.


66. A. Heidarpour, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Fabrication and characterization of Al2O3/MO nanocomposite by mechanical alloying and sintering, Powder Metallurgy, 54, 2011, pp. 513-517.


67. M. Tavoosi, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Crystallization process of the Al80Fe10Ti10 amorphous phase, Powder Metallurgy, 54, 2011, pp. 445-449.


68. E. Mohammad Sharifi, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Preparation of Al2O3–TiB2 nanocomposite powder by mechanochemical reaction between Al, B2O3 and Ti, Advanced Powder Technology, 22, 2011, pp. 526-531.


69. E. Mohammad Sharifi, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Fabrication and evaluation of mechanical and tribological properties of boron carbide reinforced aluminum matrix nanocomposites, Materials and Design, 32, 2011, pp. 3263-3271.


70. Z. Sadeghian, M.H. Enayati, P. Beiss, Characterization of in situ Al-TiB2 nanocomposite powder synthesized by mechanical alloying, Powder Metallurgy, 54, 2011, pp. 46-49.


71. S. Azadehranjbar, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline FeNi and Ni3Fe alloys, International Journal of Modern Physics B (IJMPB), 25, 2011, pp. 1013-1019.


72. N. Hosseini, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Abbasi, M.H. Enayati, Fabrication and characterization of nanostructured Al6061 alloy and its aging behavior, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 25, 2011, pp. 265-275.


73. A. Ebnonnasir, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Novel artificial neural network model for evaluating hardness of stir zone of submerge friction stir processed Al-6061-T6 plate, Materials Science and Technology, 27, 2011, pp. 990-995.


74. Z. Sadeghian, B. Lotfi, M.H. Enayati, P. Beiss, Microstructural and mechanical evaluation of Al-TiB2 nanostructured composite fabricated by mechanical alloying, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509, 2011, pp. 7758-7763.


75. Y. Mazaheri, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, A novel technique for development of A356/Al2O3 surface nanocomposite by friction stir processing, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 211, 2011, pp. 1614-1619.


76. S.N. Hosseini, T. Mousavi, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Thermodynamic aspects of nanostructured CoAl intermetallic compound during mechanical alloying, Journal of Materials Science Technology, 27, 2011, pp. 601-606.


77. M. Tavoosi, F. Karimzadeh, M. H. Enayati, S.-H. Joo and H. S. Kim, Amorphous phase formation in Al80Fe10M10 (M = Ni, Ti, and V) ternary systems by mechanical alloying, Journal of Materials Science, 46, 2011, pp. 7633-7638.


78. A. R. Shirani-Bidabadi, A. Shokuhfar, M. H. Enayati. M. Biglari, In-situ fabrication and characterization of (NiCr)Al-Al2O3 nanocomposite by mechanical alloying, Journal of Nano Research, 16, 2011. pp. 21-27.


79. M. Tavoosi, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Formation and crystallization of an amorphous Al80Fe10Ti5Ni3B2 alloy, Metals and Materials International, 17, 2011, pp. 853-856.


80. A. Foroozmehr, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Austenite-Martensite transformation in nanostructured AISI316L stainless steel powder induced during mechanical milling, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering with Advanced Technology, 4, 2011, pp. 93-105.


81. A. Mahboubi Soufiani, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Formation mechanism and characterization of nanostructured Ti6Al4V alloy prepared by mechanical alloying, Materials and Design, 37, 2012, pp. 152-160.


82. Z. Adabavazeh, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Synthesis and structural characterization of nanocrystalline (Ni, Fe)3Al  intermetallic compound prepared by mechanical alloying, Advanced Powder Technology, 23, 2012, pp. 284-289.



83. S.N. Hosseini, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Mechanochemical synthesis of Al2O3/Co nanocomposite by aluminothermic reactionAdvanced Powder Technology, 23, 2012, pp. 334-337.


84. S. Azadehranjbar, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Development of NiFe-CNT and Ni3Fe-CNT nanocomposites by mechanical alloying, Advanced Powder Technology, 23, 2012, pp. 338-342.


85. S.E. Aghili, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Synthesis of nanocrystalline (Fe,Cr)3Al powder by mechanical alloying, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 27, 2012, pp. 467-471.


86. Z. Adabavazeh, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Formation mechanism of nanostructured (Ni, Fe)3Al-Al2O3 nanocomposite and its characterization, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 27, 2012, 626-630.


87. M. Jafari, M.H. Abbasi, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Mechanical properties of nanostructured Al2024-MWCNT composite prepared by optimized mechanical milling and hot pressing methods, Advanced Powder Technology, 23, 2012, pp. 205-210.


88. S.E. Aghili, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, In-situ synthesis of alumina reinforced (Fe,Cr)3Al intermetallic matrix nanocomposite, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 27, 2012, pp. 1348-1353.


89. A. Mahboubi Soufiani, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, The effect of type of atmospheric gas on milling behavior of nanostructured Ti6Al4V alloy, Advanced Powder Technology, 23, 2012, pp. 264-267.


90.  Z. Adabavazeh, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Mechanochemical behaviour of NiO-Al-Fe powder mixtures to produce (Ni, Fe)3Al-Al2O3 nanocomposite powder, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 43A, 2012, pp. 3359-3365.


91. Z. Adabavazeh, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Thermodynamic analysis of (Ni, Fe)3Al formation by mechanical alloying, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 54, 2012, pp. 406-411.


92. S.N. Hosseini, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Development and characterization of CoAl-Al2O3 intermetallic matrix nanocomposite, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 136, 2012, pp. 341-346.


93. N. Hosseini, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Abbasi, M.H. Enayati, A comparative study on the wear properties of coarse-grained Al6061alloy and nanostructured Al6061–Al2O3 composites, Tribology International, 54, 2012, pp. 58–67.


95. M. Tavoosi, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, H.S. Kim, Metastable phases in Al80Fe10Ti5Ni5 alloy fabricated by non-equilibrium processes, Materials Transactions, 53, 2012,  pp. 1739-1743.


96. M. Tavoosi, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Formation and characterization of amorphous–nanocrystalline Al80Fe10M10 [M = Fe, Nb, Ti, Ni, (Ni0.5Ti0.5)] alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 551, 2013, pp. 584-590.


97. N. Yazdian, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, In-situ fabrication of Al3V/Al2O3 nanocomposite through mechanochemical synthesis and evaluation of its mechanism, Advanced Powder Technology, 24, 2013, pp. 106-112.


98. M. Mohammadnezhad, M. Shamanian, M.H. Enayati, Influence of annealing temperature on the structure and properties of the nanograined NiAl intermetallic coatings produced by using mechanical alloying, Surface and Coatings Technology, 217, 2013, pp. 64-69.


99. M. Rafiei, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Thermodynamic analysis of solid solution formation in nanocrystalline Fe-Ti-Al ternary system during mechanical alloying, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 59, 2013, pp. 243-249.


100. Y. Mazaheri, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Development of Al356-Al2O3 nanocomposite coatings by high velocity oxy-fuel technique, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2013, pp. 813-820.


101.  S. R. Anvari, F. Karimzadeh, M. H. Enayati, A novel route for development of Al-Cr-O surface nano-composite by friction stir processing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 562, 2013, pp. 48-55.


102.  M. Jafari, M. H. Enayati, M. Salehi, S. M. Nahvi, C. G. Park, Comparison between oxidation kinetics of HVOF sprayed WC-12Co and WC-10Co-4Cr coatings, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 41, 2013, pp. 78-84.


103. M. H. Enayati, E. Dastanpoor, Comparative Study of Mechanical Alloying Induced Nanocrystallization and Amorphization in Ni-Nb and Ni-Zr Systems, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 44, 2013, pp. 3984-3998.


104. M. Jafari, M.H. Enayati, M. Salehi, S.M. Nahvi, C.G. Park, Microstructural and mechanical characterizations of a novel HVOF-sprayed WC-Co coating deposited from electroless Ni-P coated WC-12Co powder, Materials Science & Engineering A, 578, 2013, pp. 46-53.


105. S.R. Anvari, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Wear characteristics of Al-Cr-O surface nano-composite layer fabricated on Al6061 plate by friction stir processing, Wear, 304, 2013, pp. 144-151.


106. A. Shahcheraghi, F. Dehghani, K. Raeissi, A. Saatchi, M.H. Enayati, Effects of TiO2 additive on electrochemical hydrogen storage properties of nanocrystalline/amorphous Mg2Ni intermetallic alloy, Iranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering, 10, 2013, pp. 1-9.


107. S. Azadehranjbar, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, N. Mahmoodi, Properties of bulk Fe-Ni/CNT nanocomposites prepared  by mechanical milling and sintering, International Journal of Modern Physics B (IJMPB), 27, 2013, pp. 13501021-9.


108. P. Salehikahrizsangi, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, M.H. Abbasi, Investigation of the effects of grain size and nano-sized reinforcements on tribological properties of Ti6Al4V alloy, Wear, 305, 2013, pp. 51-57.


109. A. Shirani Bidabadi, M.H. Enayati, E. Dastanpoor, R.A. Varin, M. Biglari, Nanocrystalline intermetallic compounds in the Ni-Al-Cr system synthesized by mechanical alloying and their thermodynamic analysis, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 581, 2013, pp. 91-100.


110. M. Jafari, M.H. Enayati, M. Salehi, S.M. Nahvi, C.G. Park, Improvement in tribological properties of HVOF sprayed WC-Co coatings using electroless Ni-P coated feedstock powders, Surface & Coatings Technology,  235, 2013, pp. 310-317.


111. M. Tavoosi, F. Karimzadeh, M. H. Enayati, S. Lee, H. S. Kim, Kinetic study of non-isothermal crystallization in Al80Fe10Ti5Ni5 metallic glass, Metals and Materials International, 19, 2013, pp. 901-906.


112. M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, M. Jafari, A. Markazi, A. Tahvilian, Microstructural and wear characteristics of HVOF-sprayed nanocrystalline NiAl coating, Wear, 309, 2014, pp. 192-199.


113. M. Mohammadnezhad, M. Shamanian, M.H. Enayati, M. Salehi, A. Hoseynian, Microstructures and properties of NiAl-TiC nanocomposite coatings on carbon steel surfaces produced by mechanical alloying technique, Surface and Coatings Technology, 238, 2014, pp. 180-187.


114. R. Nafar Dehsorkhi a, S.Sabooni, F.Karimzadeh, A.Rezaeian, M.H.Enayati, Study on the wear behavior of ultrafine grained 304L stainless steel, Advanced Materials Research, 829, 2014, pp 177-181.


115. M. Rafiei, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Kinetic analysis of thermite reaction in Al-Ti-Fe2O3 system to produce (Fe,Ti)3Al-Al2O3 nanocomposite, Powder Technology,253, 2014, pp. 553-560.


116. E. Dastanpoor, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Synthesis of Cu-Zr-Al/Al2O3 amorphous nanocomposite by mechanical alloying, Advanced Powder Technology, 25, 2014, pp. 519-523.


117. S.E. Aghili, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Synthesis of (Fe,Cr)3Al-Al2O3 nanocomposite through mechanochemical combustion reaction induced by ball milling of Cr, Al and Fe2O3 powders, Advanced Powder Technology, 25, 2014, pp. 408-414.


118. Y. Mazaheri, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Tribological behavior of A356/Al2O3 surface nanocomposite prepared by friction stir processing, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 45, 2014, pp. 2250-2259.


119. A. Atrian, G.H. Majzoobi , M.H. Enayati, M. Bakhtiari, Mechanical and microstructural characterization of Al7075/SiC nanocomposite fabricated by dynamic compaction, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 21, 2014, pp. 295-303.


120. H. Ashrafi, M. H. Enayati, R. Emadi, Mechanical properties and thermal stability of nanostructured Al/Al12(Fe,V)3Si alloys produced by powder metallurgy, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 23, 2014, pp. 1780-1789.


121. S. Sabooni, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Thermal stability study of ultrafine grained 304L stainless steel produced by martensitic process, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 23, 2014, pp. 1665-1672.


122. E. Parvazian, F. Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Photovoltaic characterization and electrochemical impedabce spectroscopy analysis of dye-sensitized solar based on the composite of TiO2 -MWCNT photoelectrodes, Journal of Electronic Materials, 43, 2014, pp. 1450-1459.


123. S.N. Hosseini, M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Nano-scale grain growth behavior of CoAl intermetallic synthesized by mechanical alloying, Bulletin of Materials Science, in press.


124. S.Z. Anvari, N.Yazdian, F.Karimzadeh, M.H. Enayati, Effects of micro and macro alloying on the formation and thermal stability of nanocrystalline L12-Al3V, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, in press.


125. H. Ashrafi, R. Emadi, M. H. Enayati, Fabrication and characterization of nanocrystalline Al/Al12(Fe,V)3Si alloys by consolidation of mechanically alloyed powders, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, in press.


126. M. Jafari, M.H. Enayati, M. Salehi, S.M. Nahvi, C.G. Park, Microstructural evolution of nanosized tungsten carbide during heatup stage of sintering of electroless nickel-coated nanostructured WC-Co powder, Ceramics International, in press.


127.H. Ashrafi, M.H. Enayati, R. Emadi, Nanocrystalline Al/Al12(Fe,V)3Si alloy prepared by mechanical alloying: Synthesis and Thermodynamic analysis, Advanced Powder Thechnology, in press.


مقالات پژوهشی فارسی:

1. عنایتی محمد حسین، سعیدی علی، صادقیان زهره، ساخت ترکیب بین فلزی Ni3Al در شرایط مختلف آلیاژسازی مکانیکی، دانشکده مهندسی، سال 15، شماره 1، صفحه 23-33، 1382.


2. عنایتی محمد حسین، صالحی مهدی، بررسی استفاده از ترکیب بین فلزی Ni3Al برای ساخت کامپوزیت های زمینه آلومینیومی، نشریه علمی- پژوهشی دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان (استقلال)، سال 25، شماره 2، صفحه 183-190، 1385.


3. موسوی طیبه، عباسی محمدحسن، کریم زاده فتح ا...، عنایتی محمدحسین، بررسی مکانیزم و گرمای تشکیل ترکیب بین فلزی NiTi نانو ساختار، نشریه علمی- پژوهشی دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان (استقلال)، سال 26، شماره 2، صفحه 59-70، 1386.


4. باباشاهی مریم، عنایتی محمدحسین، صالحی مهدی، منشی احمد، بررسی تغییرات فازی سیلیس و سیلیسیوم به هنگام آسیابکاری، نشریه مواد پیشرفته در مهندسی، سال 29، شماره 1، صفحه 1-8، 1389.


5. زمردیان امیر، فتحی محمدحسین، عنایتی محمدحسین، محمدی زهرائی احسان، تأثیر شدت جریان الکتریکی پاشش پلاسمایی بر خواص پوشش کامپوزیتی هیدروکسی آپاتیت- نیوبیوم و رفتار خوردگی زیر لایه فولاد زنگ نزن 316L، نشریه علوم و مهندسی سطح، سال 9، صفحه 77-89، 1389.


6. موحدی بهروز، صالحی مهدی، عنایتی محمدحسین، توسعه پوشش های نانوکریستال با تبلور فاز آمورف توسط فرایندهای پاشش حرارتی، نشریه علوم و مهندسی سطح، سال 13، صفحه 67-74، 1391.


7. محمدنژاد مهیار، شمعانیان مرتضی، عنایتی محمدحسین، صالحی مهدی، تأثیر پارامترهای فرایند بر تشکیل پوشش نانوساختار NiAl بر سطح فولاد ساده کربنی به روش آسیابکاری، نشریه علوم و مهندسی سطح، سال 15، صفحه 49-57، 1391.


8. آشتی جو پریسا، محبوبی صوفیانی امیر، شمعانیان مرتضی، عنایتی محمدحسین، ایجاد پوشش Ti-A1-C بر سطح تیتانیم به روش آسیابکاری مکانیکی و بررسی خواص آن، مهندسی متالورژی، سال 46، صفحه 58-64، 1392.

