ليست كنفرانس‌ها

  1. Graph Coloring: Various Types, Applications and Open Problems, The 50th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Shiraz University, 26-29 August 2019. (Invited Speaker)
  2. Star Edge Coloring of Cactus Graphs, The 50th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Shiraz University, 26-29 August 2019
  3. A Havel-Hakimi type problem for oriented graphs, The 50th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Shiraz University, 26-29 August 2019.
  4. Star Edge Coloring of Cartesian Product of Graphs, Building Bridges II. Conference to celebrate 70th birthday of László Lovász, Budapest, Hungary, July 2 - 6, 2018
  5. Set Intersection Representations of Graphs, 8th Conference and Workshop on Algebraic Combinatorics and Graph Theory, Imam Khomeini International University, 7-8 October 2015.
  6. An enforced Hill Climbing Based System for General Game Playing, Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG), 2015 IEEE Conference, Tainan, 31 August- 2 September. 2015.
  7. Bounds on Some Variants of Clique Cover Numbers, 46th Annual Iranian Mathematical Conferences. Yazd University, 25-28 August 2015.
  8.  Metric Dimension of Graphs, The first IPM- Isfahan Workshop on Combinatorics, IPM- Isfahan, 20-22 May 2014.
  9.  Bike Share Station Location using Graph Domination Set in Graphs, 14th  International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Tehran, 24-25 February 2014. 
  10. Some Graphs with Vertex-Coloring 2-Edge Weighting, 44th Annual Iranian Mathematical Conferences. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, 27-30 August 2013. 
  11. On Vertex-Coloring 2-Edge-Weighting of Graphs, International Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Beirut, Lebanon, 16th November, 2012. 
  12. Randomly Dimensional Graphs, 43th Annual Iranian Mathematical Conferences. University of Tabriz, 27-30 August 2012. 
  13. Locating Chromatic Number of Graphs, 43th Annual Iranian Mathematical Conferences. University of Tabriz, 27-30 August 2012. 
  14. Characterization of a Class of Hamiltonian Connected Graphs, 41th Annual Iranian Mathematical Conferences. University of Urmia, 12-15 September 2010. 
  15. The Incidence Chromatic Number of Graphs with Maximum Degree Four, 41th Annual Iranian Mathematical Conferences. University of Urmia, 12-15 September 2010. 
  16. A Note on the p-Prime Algorithm for Solving the Maximum Independent Set Problem, 2th Conference on Data Mining and Optimization. Selangor, Malaysia, 27-28 October 2009. 
  17. On the Star Coloring of Graphs, 40th Annual Iranian Mathematical Conferences. Sharif University, 17-20 Augest 2009. 
  18. On the Total Restrained Domination Number, 39th Annual Iranian Mathematical Conference.Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 24-28 October 2008. 
  19. On the Dominating Coloring, 38th   Annual Iranian Mathematical Conference. University of Zanjan, 3-6 September 2007. 
  20. On the b-Coloring of Some Special Graphs, 21st   British Combinatorial Conference. University of Reading, 8-13 July 2007. 
  21. Local Chromatic Number of Graphs, 37th   Annual   Iranian Mathematical Conference. Azarbaijan University of Tarbiat Moalem, 2-5 September 2006. 
  22. Distance Locating Sets in Graphs, 35th   Annual Iranian Mathematical Conference. Shahid Chamran University Ahvaz, 26-29 January 2005. 
  23. On the Defining Numbers of Cartesian Product of Cycles. 19th British Combinatorial Conference. University of Wales, 29th June- 4th July 2003. 
  24. Chromatic Classes of Certain 2-Connected Graphs. 33rd Annual Iranian Mathematical Conference. Mashhad Ferdosi University, 30th -2nd Sep 2002. 
  25. Chromaticity of Generalised Polygon Trees.  International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications in the New Millennium, University Putra Malaysia, 18-19 July 2000. 
  26. A New Bound for Defining Numbers of Regular Graphs. The First Seminar of Women and Mathematics in Iran. Az-zahra University, 2nd March 2000. 

