Introduction to Neural Networks
Saturdays and Mondays from 08:00 am to 09:30am
E-Learning Center
1st Semester 1396-1396 (Sep. 2017)
Instructor: Dr. Mohammad Reza Ahmadzadeh
Room Location: ECE Building – B322
Internal Telephone: Ext. 5370
External Telephone: Iran: +98 (0)31 33915370
Fax: Iran: +98 (0)31 33912451
Office Hours:
I will try to be in my office on Saturdays and Mondays from 8 :00 to 9 :20 am and but I will always do my best to be available for students by appointment or any time that I am free.
Course Description:
This course covers the fundamentals of Neural Networks.
•Neuron Model and Network Architectures
•An Illustrative Example
•Perceptron Learning Rule
•Signal and Weight Vector Spaces
•Linear Transformations for Neural Networks
•Supervised Hebbian Learning
•Performance Surfaces and Optimum Points
•Performance Optimization
•Widrow-Hoff Learning
•Variations on Backpropagation
•Dynamic Networks
•Associative Learning
•Competitive Networks
•Radial Basis Networks
•Grossberg Network
•Adaptive Resonance Theory
•Hopfield Network
•Deep Networks
•Convolutional Networks