
1)Mansour Aghasi and Hamidreza Nemati, Torsion Free Covering of Quasi-Coherent Sheaves, 23th Iranian ALGEBRA SEMINAR, Khansar, Nov., 2013



                Geometry, Volume 6,  No. 2,  pp. 45-56 (2013) c IEJG

3) Mansour Aghasi and Mehri Nasehi, The equivalence of two different definitions for Generalzed complex structures, IMC44, Mashhad, 2013


4)Mansour  Aghasi and Mehri  Nasehi, Some geometrical properties of a five-dimensional solvable Lie group, Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems, Vol.15, 2013, pp. 1-12.


5)Aghasi M., Alizadeh B.M., Merker J., Sabzevari M., A Gröbner-bases algorithm for the computation of the cohomology of Lie (super) algebras, Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebras, Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebras, Dec. 2012, Vol. 22, Issu 4, PP 911-937



6)Aghasi M., Merker J., Sabzevari M., Effective Cartan-Tanaka connections for C 6-smooth strongly pseudoconvex hypersurfaces M 3 ⊂ ℂ2, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 2011, 349(15–16), 845–848 CrossRef


7) Aghasi M., Merker J., Sabzevari M., Effective Cartan-Tanaka connections on C 6 strongly pseudoconvex hypersurfaces M 3 ⊂ ℂ2,

                 preprint available at http://arxiv.org/abs/1104.1509


8)M. Aghasi, A. R. Bahari and A. Suri, Higher order Hessian structures on Frechet manifolds, Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems,

                  Vol.13, 2011, pp. 1-18.


9)Mansour Aghasi and Ali Suri,Splitting theorems for the double tangent bundles of Frechet manifolds, Bal¤kan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications, Vol.15, No.2, 2010, pp. 1-13.


10) M. Aghasi, C.T.J. Dodson, G. Galanis and A. Suri. Conjugate connections and differential equations on infinite dimensional manifolds. In Differential Geometry : Proc VIII International Colloquium on Differential Geometry, Santiago de Compostela, 7-11 July 2008, Eds. J.A. Alvarez Lopez and E. Garcia-Rio, World Scientific, Singapore 2009, pp 227-236.


 11)M. Aghasi, A.R. Bahari, C.T.J. Dodson, G.N. Galanis and A. Suri, Second order structures for sprays and connections on  Frechet manifolds,http://arxiv.org/abs/0810.5261v1.



 12)M. Aghasi, C.T.J. Dodson, G.N. Galanis and A. Suri, Infnite dimensional second order ordinary differential equations via T^2M,  J. Nonlinear Analysis. 67, No. 10, (2007), pp. 2829-2838.


13) M. Aghasi and A. Suri, Ordinary differential equations on infite dimensional manifolds, Balkan Balkan   Journal of Geometry and its  Applications, Vol. 12, No. 1,  (2007), pp. 1-8.              


14)  M. Aghasi and M. Sabzevari, "Segre embedding and      Desingularization”,  International   Journal  of   Algebra, Vol. I,  No. 7,    (2007), 327-334.


15)  M. Aghasi,    and M.  Sabzevari,   "A  new  interpretation  Of    regular models",  Proceedings  of  the 4t  Iranian   Geometry     and  Topology  Seminar, Urmia  University, 13-14 September   2006.


 16) M. Aghasi   and  A.  Suri, "Conjucate   connections and Infinite

                dimensional complete   manifolds",  Proceedings   Of  the   4th

                Iranian  Geometry  and  Topology   Seminar,   Urmia  University,

                13-14 , September  2006


 17) M. aghasi  and A. Suri, "Geodesics   with   respect  to  the  second 

                 order vector fields    on   infinite  dimensional  manifolds " ,

                 Proceedings    of    the    4th    Iranian      Geometry  and Topology

                 Seminar,  Urmia University,   13-14 September  2006.


18) M. Aghasi, "Etale   morphisms and etale equivalence", "Proceedings of the 12th algebra seminar, Shahid Beheshti University, March 28-29, 2000, pages 3-9.


        19) M.  Aghasi ,  " A    regular   model    for   a   singular    arithmetic

               threefold",  Proceedings   of the 11th  algebra  seminar,  Isfahan

               University of Technology, 27-29 October 1999, pages 26-35.


   20) M. Aghasi,   "Product  of ordinary double points",  Proceedings  of

               the 10th  algebra   seminar,  Kordestan University,  October  21-22, 1998, pages 1-28.


        21) M. Aghasi, "Desingularization of the fibre   products of   the

              minimal regular models of Tate", Proceedings of the  29th  annual

              Iranian mathematics  conference, Amirkabir University, 28-31

              March 1998.


        22) M. Aghasi, "Desingularization of a special type   of   arithmetic

               three-folds", Proceedings  of the 9th  algebra seminar , Mazanderan

               University, 18-19 November 1997, pages 1-8.
