QUATTRO project (Funded by the European Commission)

Partners: Imperial College of London (UK), University of Chalmers (Sweden), University of Trieste (Italy), Institute Superior de Technique (Portugal), Robert Bosch GmbH (Germany), LMS (Belgium)

The project was aimed at developing methods for the quantitative treatment and testing of rotational degrees of freedom in order to address the critical issues which today prohibit the consistent use of RDOF information in test-based and hybrid (mixed experimental-numerical) structural dynamics modelling. The main tasks of the project were:

  • To systematically classify and quantify the errors incurred in the dynamic analysis of structures which are caused by the absence or inaccuracy of the RDOF data.
  • To develop novel methods for the proper excitation of rotational DOFs and for the measurement of both excitation and response with an accuracy which is consistent with the requirements of the various structural dynamic analysis of engineering structures.
  • To develop and publish guidelines to the specification and acquisition of RDOF data with the level of accuracy to guarantee the correct dynamic analysis of practical structures.
  • To improve the current analysis and modelling and software in order to consistently take into account the RDOF information in modal analysis.

The responsibilities focussed on the design and construction of a test rig as well as the development of the required software tools for the measurements of rotational degrees of freedom using a Laser Doppler Vibrometer.
