Published Book Chapters

1.  S. Zarghami, T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, Superhydrophobic/Superhydrophilic Polymeric Membranes for Oil/Water Separation. In Oil− Water Mixtures and Emulsions, Volume 1: Membrane Materials for Separation and Treatment (pp. 119-184). American Chemical Society, 2022 (Published)

2. Z. Shabani, S. Zarghami, T. Mohammadi, Nanomaterials for fouling-resistant RO membranes. In Nanotechnology in the Beverage Industry (pp. 151-184). Elsevier, 2020 (Published).

3. W. Suwaileh, S. Zarghami, S. Farooq, N. Roy, MB. Ahmed, Polymer membranes for catalysis. In Polymer Membranes: Increasing Energy Efficiency (pp. 139-164). De Gruyter, 2024 (Published).