Student Projects

  1. "Sensivity analysis of experimental measurment of drag coefficient of an AUV in a towing tank", Manssobi Hossaini, H.
  2. "Design of Drought Monitoring System Based on Integrated Index (Case study : Zayanderood River Basin -Iran", Khoshooee Isfahani. M.
  3. "Numerical and Experimental Study of Flow Around the Anemometer with Calibration", Mohammadi, H.
  4. "Experimental Measurement of Hydrodynamic Coefficients of Semisubmersible Platform in the Water Canal", Ganji Arjangi, A.
  5. "Experimental and Numerical Study on Caspian3 Supply Vessel of KEPCO Company", Shahabadi Farahani, M.
  6. "Estimation of wave load on offshore structures using a combined diffraction theory and neural networks", Khayami. M.J.
  7. "Numerical Analysis of flow Around a Body and Propeller", Moameni Rad Ali, M.
  8. "Numerical Investigation of Flow around a Marine Contra- Rotating Propellers (CRP)", Hashemi Nejad, Sayed M.
  9. "Aerohydrodynamic Analysis of a Flapping Foil with Different Boundary Conditions by means of Boundary Integral Method and Artificial Neural Network". Jahanbakhsh, A.R.