Power Electronics for Photovolqatic Energy System of an Oceanographic Buoy

Power Electronics for Photovolqatic Energy System of an Oceanographic Buoy

Behroozian, E., Tabesh, A.R., Bahreinian, F., Zamani Foroushani, A.R.

 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Colloquium, April 2011

Abbstract :

This paper reports on design of power electronics for photo volatic (PV) energy system of an offshore remote sensing apparatus. Challenges in design of a PV energy system for a marine application are investigated and the design limitations compared to inland PV system are descussed. The designed system includes PV cells as the main source of energy , electric storage (battery) , maximum power point tracking (MPPT) and protection circuitries . An MPPT algorithm based on measuring the slope of the PV power-voltage curves is pressented which can be implemented with simple analog electronic circits . The MPPT circuit uses Spie converter as a core and it also includes a protection unit for maintaining the battery voltage in a safe range. The performance of the propossed MPPT algorithn in presence of measurement noises is verified using a circuit simulation software tool (PSCAD). Simulation results verify that the algorithm appropriately regulates the voltage of PV cells at MPPT and it is robust against measeurement noises for a signal - t - noise ratio - 2 db.
