Fuel cells application in subsea industries
Rostami Mal Khalifeh, H., Zhiani, M., Zamani, Foroushani, A.R., Madhkhan, M.
3th Iranian Fuel Cell Seminar, Oct, 2009.
Abbstract :
Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) improves the underwater performance of conventional diesel electric submarines and unmanned undersea vehicle (UUV). Many different types of AIP systems are being considered, either for integration into new section or plug. Fuel cell technology is an AIP system that much broader in undersea application than other AIP systems. Fuel cells chemically convert fuels into direct current electrical energy and unlike heat engines, are not limited by the Carnot cycle. Many different types of fuel cell used from the first up to now in undersea application. This paper surveys the various types of fuel cell systems and assesses them against the AIP requirements.