Evaluation of Wave Energy Potentials in Chahbahar port using two methods of water-wind model and wave measurements

Evaluation of Wave energy Potentials in Chahbahar Port Using Two Methods of Water - Wind Model and Wave Measurements

Sedaghat, A., Zamani Foroushani, A. R.

The 14 th Marine Industries Conference, 26 Dec. 2012

Abstract :

Renewable energies such as wave energy, despite rapid technological progress and potentials in Iranian waters, are yet require careful  feasibility studies. Recent  developments  of marine energy in the  world  can manifest  itself for implementing marine energy absorber devices in Iran. In this paper, the  average annual wave power of Chahbahar  port is determined  using two approaches. A wave – wind model and three months  experimental data are used for comparison. The wave-wind model predicts the annual wave power 4.746 kw/m2 (approximate method) and 8.621 kw/m2 (accurate method), which are higher than  the measurements. This suggests  that further improvements in modeling and more measurements should be obtained for correct evaluation of Iranian marine energy.
