Journal Papers

  1. Z Karami, M Youssefi, K Raeissi, M Zhiani, 2020, An efficient textile-based electrode utilizing silver nanoparticles/reduced graphene oxide/cotton fabric composite for high-performance wearable supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta,

  2. B Safaie, M Youssefi, Nanoindentation and Morphological Studies on Polypropylene/Multi-wall Carbon Nanotubes Composite Fibers, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series E, 2020,

  3. S Alibakhshi, M Youssefi, SS Hosseini, A Zadhoush, Significance of thermodynamics and rheological characteristics of dope solutions on the morphological evolution of polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membranes, Polymer Engineering & Science, 2020,

  4. Kajal Khassi, Mostafa Youssefi, Dariush Semnani, PVDF/TiO2/graphene oxide composite nanofiber membranes serving
    as separators in lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2019, DOI: 10.1002/app.48775

  5. S Alibakhshi, M Youssefi, SS Hosseini, A Zadhoush, Tuning morphology and transport in ultrafiltration membranes derived from polyethersulfone through exploration of dope formulation and characteristicsMaterials Research Express 6 (12), 2019, 125326, 

  6. Nooshin Tambakoozadeh, Mostafa Youssefi, Dariush Semnani, A composite polyaniline/graphene–coated polyamide6
    nanofiber mat for electrochemical applications, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2019,

  7. M. Youssefi, F Motamedi, An electrically conductive hybrid polyaniline/silver-coated polyester fabric for smart applications, Journal of Industrial Textiles, 2019, https://10.1177/1528083719846125

  8. Z. Hasani, M. Youssefi, S. Borhani, Sh. Mallakpour, "Structure and properties of  nylon6/amino acid modified nanoclay composite fibers", Journal of the Textile Institute, 2019, Vol 110, No 9, 1336-1342,
  9. B. Safaie, M. Youssefi, B. Rezaei, (2018): Rheological behavior of polypropylene/carbon quantum dot nanocomposites: the effects of particles size, particles/matrix interface adhesion, and particles loading, Polymer Bulletin, 
  10. B. Safaie, M. Youssefi, B. Rezaei, (2018): Estimating the interphase properties of polypropylene/carbon quantum dot nanocomposite fibers by micromechanical modeling, Colloid and Polymer Science,  December 2018, Volume 296, Issue 12pp 1953–1960,
  11. Momeni, H., & Youssefi, M. (2018). Fabrication and characterization of the composite nanofibers of polyacrylonitrile/fluorescent core-shell silica particles with their potential use for anticounterfeiting purposes in the textile industry. Journal of Industrial Textiles, 1528083718805722.
  12. Khoshnevis, H., Tran, T. Q., Mint, S. M., Zadhoush, A., Duong, H. M., & Youssefi, M. (2018). Effect of alignment and packing density on the stress relaxation process of carbon nanotube fibers spun from floating catalyst chemical vapor deposition method. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects558, 570-578.
  13.  Hamed Khoshnevis, Sandar Myo Mint, Emily Yedinak, Thang Q Tran, Ali Zadhoush, Mostafa Youssefi, Matteo Pasquali, Hai M Duong, Super high-rate fabrication of high-purity Carbon nanotube aerogels from floating catalyst method for oil spill cleaningChemical Physics Letters, 2018,
  14. Banafsheh Safaei, Mostafa Youssefi, Behzad Rezaei & Neda Irannejad, Synthesis and Properties of Photoluminescent Carbon Quantum Dot/Polyacrylonitrile Composite Nanofibers, Smart Science, 2018,
  15. Mostafa Youssefi, Banafsheh Safaie, The Study on the Mechanical Properties of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube/Polypropylene FibersJ. Inst. Eng. India Ser. E (2018).
  16. Hajarsadat Momeni, Mostafa Youssefi, Synthesis of core-shell silica fluorescent and the effect of the size of the particles on pH sensing, Journal of Color Science and Technology, (In Persian), 2018, 12, 107-114, JCST-01-06-2017-1732).
  17. Maryam Mirzaei Sheshkol, Sedigheh Borhani, and Mostafa YoussefiLight Transmission and the Fine Structure of Poly(methyl methacrylate) Nanofibers and FilmsFibers and Polymers, 2017, 18 (12), 2361-2367
  18. Zarrini, K. & Youssefi, M.  An investigation into the structure and morphology of polyamide 6/polyaniline hybrid fibersJournal of Polymer Engineering, 2018, 38(1), 19-24.
  19. M Sarafpour, M Youssefi, SM Mortazavi, Copper functionalization of polypropylene fabric surface in order to use in fog collectors, Fibers and Polymers, 2017, 17 (12), 2041-2046
  20. Marzieh Dehghan Tezerjani, Ali Benvidi, Masoud Rezaeinasab, Shahriar Jahanbani, Seyed Mohammad Moshtaghioun, Mostafa Youssefi, Kamran Zarrini, An impedimeric biosensor based on a composite of graphene nanosheets and polyaniline as a suitable platform for prostate cancer sensing, Analytical Methods,2016, 8 (41), 7507-7515
  21. H Fashandi, K Zarrini, M Youssefi, MM Abolhasani, Synergistic contribution of spinneret diameter and physical gelation to develop macrovoid-free hollow fiber membranes using single orifice spinneret, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54 (31), 7728-7736
  22. Mostafa Youssefi, Banafsheh Safaie, Effect of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube on the Crystalline Structure of Polypropylene Fibers, Fibers and Polymers, Vol 14, No 10, 1602-1607, 2013
  23. Zahra Karami, Mostafa Youssefi, Sedigheh Borhani, The Effects of UV irradiation on the structure and properties of polypropylene/ZnO nanocomposite fibers, Fibers and PolymersVol 14, No 10, 1627-1634, 2013

  24. Banafsheh Safaie, Mostafa YoussefiMechanical Properties of Polypropylene/MWCNT Composite Fibers, Journal of Textile Science and Technology, Vol 2, No 3, P143-150, 2012 (In Persian)

  25. S. Baseri, M. Karimi, M. Morshed, M. Youssefi, Effect of drawing temperature on mesomorphic transitions of oriented poly(ethylene terephthalate) fibers exposed to supercritical CO2, J Polym Res, DOI 10.1007/s10965-011-9612-8, 2011
  26. M. Youssefi, M. Morshed, M. H. Kish, Crystalline Structure of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Filaments, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol 106, 2703-2709, 2007

  27. M. Mohri, S. A. Hosseini, M. Youssefi, Objective evaluation of wrinkled fabric using radon transform, J of the Textile Institute, Vol 96, No 6, 365-370, 2005
  28. M. Youssefi, S. Borhani, Investigation on crystallinity changes of amine-treated polyester fibers using XRD and FTIR, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol 18, no 1, 45-51, 2005 (in Persian)

  29. S. Borhani, M. Youssefi, M Morshed. J Borhani, Effect of Microwave Heating on the Fine Structure of Polyester Filaments, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol 15, no 4, 2002 (in Persian)

  30. M. Haghighatkish, M. YoussefiAlkaline Hydrolysis of Polyester Fibers-Structural Effects, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, 1992, Vol. 1, No 2.