Conference Papers
M. Youssefi, K. Faez, "Fabric Handle Prediction Using Neaval Networks" Procedings of the IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing (NSIP99), Vol II, P731-732 Antalya, Turkey, 1999.
M. Youssefi, "Evaluation of Fabric Quality Using Self-organizing Neural Nets", Proceedings of the third Nation Conference on Textile Engineering, November 1999, P 145-150, Isfahan, Iran.
S. Borhani, M. Youssefi, "Alkaline Hydrolysis of Polyester in the Presence of Ethylene Diamine", Proceedings of the third National Conference on Textile Engineering, November 1999, p 19-24, Isfahan, Iran
M. Youssefi, S Borhani, An Investigation on Worsted Fabric Hand, The 6th Asian Textile Conference, Hong Kong, August 22-24, 2001
M Youssefi, S Borhani, An Investigation on Iranian Worsted Fabric Hand, The 4th National Iranian Conference on Textile Engineering, 2002, Yazd, Iran
S Borhani, M Youssefi, An Investigation on Structure of Microwave Treated Polyester Fibers, The 4th National Iranian Conference on Textile Engineering, 2002, Yazd, Iran
M Youssefi, M Morshed, M Haghighat Kish, A Method for Determination of Longitudinal Crystal Size of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Fibers, International Fiber Conference, 2006, Seoul, Korea
M. Youssefi, M. Morshed, M. Haghighat Kish, “Mechanism of Strain-Induced crystallization of Partially Oriented Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Filaments”, “6th National Conference on Textile Engineering” , Iran, Isfahan, 226-227, 7-8 May 2007
M. Youssefi, M. Morshed, M. Haghighat Kish, “An Investigation on the Strain-Induced Crystallization of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Filaments, International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology (ISPST2007), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 23-24 October 2007
M Youssefi, M Morshed, An Investigation on the Effect of Intrinsic Viscosity on the Structural Properties of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Fibers, The Fiber Society International Conference on Fiberous Materials, 12-14 May 2010, Bursa, Turkey
A Zare Mehrjerdi, M Morshed, M Youssefi, Microstructure of conventional and Anti-pill Poly(ethylene terephthalate) fibers, The first International and the 7th National Iranian Textile Engineering Conference, 27-29 October 2009, Rasht, Iran
O Rostami, M Morshed, M Youssefi, Production of Bi-component Polypropylene-Polyethylene fibers containing Silver Nano-particles and Investigating their physical properties, The first International and the 7th National Iranian Textile Engineering Conference, 27-29 October 2009, Rasht, Iran
S Naseri, M Youssefi, Investigation on Molecular conformations of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) fibers Using FTIR and FTIR-ATR Methods, The first International and the 7th National Iranian Textile Engineering Conference, 27-29 October 2009, Rasht, Iran
Zahra Karami, Mostafa Youssefi, Sedigheh Borhani, Study of the Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene/ZnO Composite Fibers, 8th National Conference on Textile Engineering- May 2012- Yazd University
Banafsheh Safaie, Mostafa Youssefi, Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene/Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Composite Fibers, 8th National Conference on Textile Engineering- May 2012- Yazd University
Fateme Bateni, Seyed Abdolkarim Hosseini, Mostafa Youssefi, Study on the surface electrical resistance of composite Yarns (core-sheathe with nanofibers at the sheathe) containing carbon nanotubes, 8th National Conference on Textile Engineering- May 2012- Yazd University
Abolfazl zare mehrjardi, Mohammad morshed, Hossein tavanai, Mostafa youssefi, An investigation on the bending stiffness of the poly(ethylene terphethalate) fibers and its effect on the pilling properties of textiles, 8th National Conference on Textile Engineering- May 2012- Yazd University
O. Rostami, M. Morshed, M. Youssefi, D. Abedi ,D. Sotodeh, Production and investigation of substructure polypropylene– polyethylenes Sheath – core bicomponent fibers containing silver nanoparticle, 8th National Conference on Textile Engineering- May 2012- Yazd University
O. Rostami, M. Morshed, M. Youssefi, D. Abedi ,D. Sotodeh, Investigation of antibacterial properties of bicomponent fibers containing silver nanoparticle, 8th National Conference on Textile Engineering- May 2012- Yazd University