Conference Papers

1 - H. Tavanai, S.M. Taheri and M. Nasiri, Fuzzy Modeling of the Variation of Cotton Fabric Strength with Hydrogen Peroxide concentration in Bleaching Bath Fifth Iranian Fuzzy Systems conference, September 2004, Imam Hossein University, Tehran Iran, 662-668(In farsi)

2 - H. Tavanai, Formation of Uncleanliness During Tow to Top Conversion of low Pill polyethylene Terephthalte, 5th international Conference Textile Science (TEXSCI) 2003, June 16 - 18, 2003, Lieberec, Czech Republic, 640 - 644

3 - M. Valizadeh and H. Tavanai, An Investigation on the Behaviour of Reactive Dyes in Two-phase Wet Fixation Dyeing of Cotton Cloth with reactive dyes, 5th National Conference of Iranain Textile Engineering, Amirkabir University, Tehran, Iran, Page 26 (In farsi)

4 - F. Gharehdaghi Ghahramani, S.A. Hosseini and H. Tavanai, An Investigation on the Seersucker (Crimp) Effect Using Image Analysis, 5th National Conference of Iranain Textile Engineering, June 2004, Amirkabir University, Tehran, Iran, Page 71(In farsi)

5 - M. Askari and H. Tavanai and a. Zeynal Hamadani, Analysing of Steam Temperasture, Fixation time and Alkali Concentration on The Colour Yield of reactive dyes in Pad-Steam Process, 8th Asian Textile Conference, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran Iran, April 2005

6 - H. Tavanai and M. Alipour,  The Effect of Quality and Concentration of Size on the Tensile Properties of Cotton Yarn, 4th National Conference of Iranain Textile Engineering, June 2002 Yazd University, Yazd, Iran (In farsi)

7 - H. Tavanai and S. Doakhan, An Investigation on the Effect of Glycerin, Urea and Thiourea as swelling Agent in Printing Acrylic Cloth With Cationic Dyes  4th National Conference of Iranain Textile Engineering, June 2002 Yazd University, Yazd, Iran (In farsi)

8- H. Tavanai and H. Hadji Mir sadeghi, An Investigation on The Effect of Reduction Clearing Process on Wool Stained by Disperse Dyes, The 11th International wool Research Conference, 4th  9th September 2005, Leeds, England

9 - A. Salehi Rezve and H. Tavanai, The effect of water content of polyamide 6 and 66 chips on the rheological and mechanical properties of tire cord., Sixth National Textile Engineering Conference, Isfahan Univerity of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

10 - H. Tavanai, L.J. Wang, M. Golozar and M. Ebrahimzade, An investigation on the piercing resistance of abrasive particle coated fabrics, The 1st international and the 7th national Iranian textile engineering conference, 27 - 29 October 2009, Rasht, Iran

11 - H. Tvanai and S. Ghaffari, Effects of D/Y and heater temperature on the properties of false-twist textured polyamide stretch yarns, The 1st international and the 7th national Iranian textile engineering conference, 27 - 29 October 2009, Rasht, Iran.

12 - F. Fazeli, H. Tavanai and M. Zarebini, An Investigation on the effects of weight reduction process on the electrical properties of polypyrrol coated with polyester yarns, The 1st international and the 7th national Iranian textile engineering conference, 27- 29 October 2009, Rasht, Iran.

13- A. Zare Dastjerdi, M. Morshed, M. Yousefi and H. Tavanai, An investigation on the microstructure of anti-pill and regular poly(ethylene terephthalate) fibers, The 1st international and the 7th national Iranian textile engineering conference, 27- 29 October 2009, Rasht, Iran.

14. A. R. Saatchi, E. Ghanbari, K. Raeissi, H. Tavanai, A. Saatchi, Fabrication of Composite Electrodeposited Sn-Sb on Carbon Nanofiber Anode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries, The 2nd International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication and, Application(CCFA-2), Dec. 27-30, 2010, Kish Island, Iran

15 - H. Tavanai, M. Zavare , Effects of Weak Sodium Hydroxide Solutions Pre-treatment on the Topology, Dye uptake and Mechanical properties of Wool, The 12th International Wool Research Conference, 19 - 22 Oct. 2010, Shanghai, P.R. China

16 - F. Fazeli, H. Tavanai, Modelling of the Color yield of Cotton Cloth Dyeing with three Selected Direct Dyes using Taguchi Experimental Design, The 7th International Industrial Engineering Conference, 6 - 7 Oct. 2010, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

17 - F. Mehrpouya, H. Tavanai, M. Morshed, M. Ghiaci, In-situ TiO2 Formation in Activated Carbon Nanofibers through Titanium Isopropoxide, 8th national Conference on Textile Engineering- May 2012-Yazd University

18 - Z. Pedram Rad, H. Tavanai, A.R. Moradi, Production of Nanopowder from Recovered Feather Protein, 8th national Conference on Textile Engineering- May 2012-Yazd University

19 - N. Hazeri, H. Tavanai, A.R. Moradi, Production of Sericin Nanopowder Using Electrospraying Method, 8th national Conference on Textile Engineering- May 2012-Yazd University

20 - Z. Eshaghzadeh, H. Tavanai, Effect of the Type of Thickener and the Method of Fixation on the Color Yield of Polyester Fabric Printed with Disperse Dyes, 8th national Conference on Textile Engineering- May 2012-Yazd University

21 - S. Fakhimi, H. Tavanai, An Investigation on the Effects of Stabilization Temperature of Air-Textured PET Yarns on the Weight Reduction and other Properties of the Fabric, 8th national Conference on Textile Engineering- May 2012-Yazd University

22 - M. Rostami, H. Tavanai, Effect of Weight Reduction on the crimp Properties of False-Twist Textured PET yarns, 8th national Conference on Textile Engineering- May 2012-Yazd University

23 – S. Khademolghorani, H. Tavanai, A. Hamadani, S. Khademoghorani,  Electrosprayed PAN nanoparticle’s size based onresponse surface, Proceedoings of the 4th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS4) 12- 14 March, 2012, Kish Island, I.R. Iran