Supervised Thesis

2019, Saiedeh Salari, Evaluation of Urban Wastewater Treatment Efficiency by Vermifilter System on a Laboratory Scale

2019, Amin Ghanbari, Comparison of photo-Fenton and electro-photo-Fenton Methods as the Post Treatment for Dissolved Air Flotation in order to Treat Pharmaceutical Wastewater

2019, Seyed Mohsen SeyedSharify, Numerical simulation and experimental study of oxygen transfer in diffused aeration systems (Supervised in Common with Dr. MohammadReza Chamani)

2018, Payam PourSaied Isfahani, Risk Assessment of Water Quality Failure in Urban Water Distribution Networks

2018, Parastou Pashmchi, Optimal Allocation of Wasteload and Water Quantity of River (Case Study: Zayandehrood River) (Supervised in Common with Dr. Keyvan Asghari)

2018, Arezou Nouri Alavijeh, Life cycle analysis of reinforced concrete frames under seismic risk including the environmental costs (Supervised in Common with Dr. Payam Asadi)

2017, Ehsan Foulladgar, Evaluation of Electro-Chemical Method & Dissolved Air Flotation in Treatment of Starch Industries Wastewater (Supervised in Common with Dr. Amir Taebi)

2017, Razieh Analouie, Integrated Risk Assessment of Wastewater Treatment Plant and Water Reuse (Case Study: Wastewater Treatment Plant of Industrial complex of Moorchekhort)

2017, Atefeh Kaji Isfahani, Evaluation and Optimization of the Usage of Non-conventional Coagulants with Organic Source (Case study: Isfahan Water Treatment Plant)

2016, Azin Fathianpour, Feasibility of using biochar materials made from sewage sludge to stabilize contaminated soils and to produce energy (Supervised in Common with Dr. Mohsen Soleimany) 

2016, Mahdi Rad, Evaluation of Efficiency and Modeling of Constructed Wetland in Municipal Wastewater Post Treatment

2016, Mohammad Nazari Sharabian, Investigating the effects of climate change on watershed pollutant load and reservoir water quality (Case study: Mahabad dam)

2013, Kharazmi University

  • Saber Moradinezhad , Reliability Analysis of a Water Treatment Plant Using Fuzzy Fault Tree Analysis
  • Hossein Marzban , Optimization of tradable discharge permits in river systems based on the trading ratio system, A Case study
  • Alireza Memaripour, Assessment of strategies to improve the coagulation flocculation process in the chemical wastewater treatment plant in Mobarakeh steel complex
  • Asghar  Fallahi, Selection the Optimum Combination of Best Management Practices (BMPs) with Economic Considerations in Improving the Quality of Urban Runoff in Tehran

2012, Kharazmi University

  • Moslem Salehi, Evaluation of biofilter systems and determination of optimum conditions in odor treatment in a municipal wastewater pump station in Khoramabad
  • Javad Saiiedi, Non structural strategies in management of salinity in dam reservoirs ( a case study in Gotvand dam)
  • Vajiheh Alavi, Risk analysis of  Wastewater resue In Agriculture using multi criteria decision making (MCDM) Method And Bayesian Network
  • Efat sadat Kamali, Technical and economical comparison of sludge dewatering systems using multi criteria  decision making methods