
  1. M. Modarres, A. Tafrihi, A. Hatami, "The LOCV method versus the fermion (hypernetted) chain approximations using the Bethe homework problem", Nuclear Physics A 879 (2012) 1-13.
  2. M. Modarres, A. Tafrihi, A. Hatami, "The LOCV method in comparison with the FC and the FHNC approximations for the Bethe homework problem",  Annual physics conference of Iran, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran, 2013, pp. 221.
  3. M. Modarres, A. Tafrihi, "The nucleonic matter LOCV calculations in a periodic box versus the FHNC method", Nuclear Physics A 916 (2013) 126-148.
  4. M. Modarres, A. Tafrihi, "The LOCV nucleonic matter correlation and distribution functions versus the FHNC/SOC and the Monte Carlo calculations", Nuclear Physics A 941 (2015) 212-240.
  5. A. Tafrihi, M. Modarres, "The PBLOCV method in comparison with the PBFHNC approach for the Bethe and the Av'8 potentials", Annual physics conference of Iran, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, 2015, pp. 2254.
  6. A. Tafrihi, M. Modarres, "Comparative study of the LOCV and the FHNC methods for the nucleonic matter problem", 2016 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 702 012015.
  7. A. Tafrihi, M. Modarres, "The LOCV tensor and spin-orbit correlation functions in the coupled channel of neutron matter", 23rd IPM Physics Spring Conference, Institute for Research in Fundemental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, Iran, May 18-19, 2016, 19.
  8. A. Tafrihi, M. Modarres, "The nucleonic matter spin-orbit and tensor correlations in the LOCV framework", Nuclear Physics A 958 (2017) 25-37.
  9. A. Tafrihi, "The LOCV asymmetric nuclear matter two-body density distributions versus those of FHNC", Annals of Physics 392 (2018) 12-38.
  10. A. Tafrihi, "The three-body cluster energy for the isospin asymmetric nucleonic matter in the LOCV formalism", Annals of Physics 409C (2019) 167928.
  11. H. Bahrdo, A. Tafrihi, "The LOCV asymmetric nucleonic matter in the periodic boxes", European Physical Journal A 56 (2020) 27.
  12. A. Tafrihi, "The short-range correlation of asymmetric nucleonic matter at finite temperature: The LOCV approach", Physics Letters B 816 (2021) 136192.
  13. M. Dadkhah, A. Tafrihi, "The LOCV finite nucleonic matter three-body cluster energy in the periodic boxes", Annals of Physics 429 (2021) 168489.
  14. A. Tafrihi, " The asymmetric nuclear matter correlated states in the LOCV framework ", IJPR 21 (4) (2022) 651.
  15. M. Modarres, A. Tafrihi, "The lowest order constrained variational (LOCV) method for the many-body problems and its applications", Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics (2023) 104047.
  16. A. Tafrihi, Z. Sharifi Daramadi, "The validity of the LOCV lattice calculations for the finite asymmetric nucleonic matter using the central potentials", Annals of Physics 457 (2023) 169407.
  17. A. Tafrihi, "The three-body cluster energy of the hot asymmetric nucleonic matter in the LOCV approach", Annals of Physics 458, Part 2 (2023) 169461. 
  18. A. Tafrihi, "The p-n pairs correlations of the hot asymmetric nucleonic matter in the LOCV approach", Annals of Physics 459 (2023) 169530.