¨ Reviewer of the American Mathematical Reviews
¨ Editorial member of International Journal of Group Theory
¨ Editorial member of Transactions on Combinatorics
¨ Editorial member of Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
¨ Referee for
* Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing. (Korean Society for Computational & Applied Mathematics and the Korean SIGCAM)
* Applied Mathematics Letters (Elsevier Inc.)
* Utilitas Mathematica (Univ. Natal Dept. Math. Appl. Math. Durban, South Africa)
* Ars Combinatoria (Charles Babbage Res. Centre, Canada)
* Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society
* Current Nano Science (Bentham Science Publishing)
* Discrete Applied Mathematics (Elsevier Inc.)
* Discrete Mathematics (Elsevier Inc.)
* Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory (Technical University Press)
* European Journal of Combinatorics (Elsevier Inc.)
* Graphs and Combinatorics (Springer)
* Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry (University of Kashan)
* International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (International Research Publishing House)
* International Journal of Combinatorics (Hindawi Publishing Corporation)
* Journal Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics (Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.)
* Journal of Nano Material (Hindawi Publishing Corporation)
* MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (University of Kragujevac)
* Mathematics Scientific Journal (Islamic Azad University of Arak)
* Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran (University of Tehran)
* Iranian Journal of Science and Technology (University of Shiraz)
* Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials (INOE Publishing House)
¨ Collaboration in Conference Organizing:
* Member of the Scientific and Administrative Committees of the 11th Algebra Seminar IRAN. (Isfahan 1999-2000)
* Member of the Scientific Committee of the 3th International ISC Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (Isfahan 2004-2005)
* Member of the Scientific and Administrative Committees of the 5th Seminar on Commutative Algebra and Related Topics IRAN. (Isfahan 2008)
* Member of the Scientific and Administrative Committees of the Workshop on the Recent Progress on the Ring and Module Theory IRAN. (Isfahan 2006)
* Member of the Scientific and Administrative Committees of the International Workshop on the Metric Graph Theory and Application IRAN. (Isfahan 2008)
* Member of the Scientific Committee of The 1th International Conference on Mathematical Chemistry (Tehran 2008)
* Member of the Scientific Committee of The 2th International Conference on Mathematical Chemistry (Kashan 2009)
* Member of the Scientific Committee of The 3th International Conference on Mathematical Chemistry (Tehran 2010)
* Member of the Scientific Committee of The Fourth International Conference on Group Theory of Iran (Isfahan, 2012)
* Member of the Scientific Committee of The First Iranian Conference on Chemical Graph Theory (Theran, 2010)