- “Charging and Acceleration of Particles at Atmospheric Pressure” E. Abedini, M. Tabrizchi, SESAME-JSPS-Sabanci Synchrotron Radiation Workshop” March 1-5, 2010, Antalya, Turkey.
- “Observation of Space Charge Effects in Drift Tube” V.ILbeigy, M.Tabrizchi SESAME-JSPS-Sabanci Synchrotron Radiation Workshop” March 1-5, 2010, Antalya, Turkey.
- “Proton-Bond Dimer Formation in Gas Phase” Z. Izadi, M.Tabrizchi SESAME-JSPS-Sabanci Synchrotron Radiation Workshop” March 1-5, 2010, Antalya, Turkey.
- “Time-Resolved Optogalvanic Signals of Neon in the 600-630nm Region”, F. Abyar, F. Fathi, H. Farrokhpour, M. Tabrizchi, SESAME-JSPS-Sabanci Synchrotron Radiation Workshop, March 1-5, 2010, Antalya, Turkey.
- “Study of Doubly Excited States of Helium – Excitation of 1/3S Metastable Helium Atoms” H. Farrokhpour, R. Richter, M. Tabrizchi, M. Alagia, R. Omidyan, K.C. Prince, J.Soderstrom, 8th SESAME Users’ Meeting 19-21 November 2009, Petra, Jordan.
- “Detection of Explosives by Positive Corona Discharge Ion Mobility Spectrometry in Air” V. Ilbeigi, M. Tabrizchi, The 18th International Conference on Ion Mobility Spectrometry, Thun, Switzerland 25-31 July 2009.
- “The Effect of Drift Tube Geometry on Ion Transmission” H. R. Shemlouei, E. Forootan, M. Tabrizchi, The 18th International Conference on Ion Mobility Spectrometry, Thun, Switzerland 25-31 July 2009.
- “Transmission of Ions through Shutter Grid” M. Tabrizchi, H.R. Shamlouei, The 18th International Conference on Ion Mobility Spectrometry, Thun, Switzerland 25-31 July 2009.
- “Kinetics of Proton Transfer Reactions” E. Jazan, M. Tabrizchi, The 18th International Conference on Ion Mobility Spectrometry, Thun, Switzerland 25-31 July 2009.
- “Inverse Ion Mobility Spectrometry” M. Tabrizchi, E. Jazan, The 18th International Conference on Ion Mobility Spectrometry, Thun, Switzerland 25-31 July 2009.
- “A Charged Nanoparticle Source at Atmospheric Pressure” E. Abedini, M. Tabrizchi, The 18th International Conference on Ion Mobility Spectrometry, Thun, Switzerland 25-31 July 2009.
- “Kinetic study of electron attachment reaction to halogenated alkanes by using of Ion Mobility Spectroscopy”, A. Abedi, M. Tabrizchi, M. Nejati,The 18th International Conference on Ion Mobility Spectrometry, Thun, Switzerland, 25-31 July 2009.
- “Towards a New Generation of DNA Chips” E. Mirmomtaz, M. Angela, F. Bano, M. Castronovo, L. Casalis, G. Scoles, A.A. Ensafi, M. Tabrizchi, the Sixth SESAME User's Meeting, Amman, Jordan 17-19 November, 2007.
- “A Proposed Experiment for Excitation of the Metastable Helium Atom (1,3S) to Doubly Excited States”, H. Farrokhpour, M.Tabrizchi, the Sixth SESAME User's Meeting Amman, Jordan 17-19 November, 2007.
- “Optogalvanic Spectroscopy of Molecules” R. Omidyan, F. Fathi, M. Tabrizchi, H. Farrokhpour, the Sixth SESAME User's Meeting, Amman, Jordan 17-19 November, 2007.
- “Spin-Orbit Activated Interchannel Coupling in the 3d Photoionization of Barium Atoms” H. Farrokhpour, M. Tabrizchi, M. Alagia, L. Avaldi, M. Bamdad, M. Coreno, P. Decleva, M. de Simone, R. Richter, S. Stranges, D. Toffoli, the Sixth SESAME User's Meeting, Amman, Jordan 17-19 November, 2007.
- “Ion Distribution Profile in Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization (APPI) Source for LC-MS” M. Tabrizchi, M. Blades, D. Robb, FACSS 2006, (Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Socieities) September 24-28, 2006 Florida, USA.
- "New Applications of Ion Mobility Spectrometry" M. Tabrizchi, Invited Lecture, 15th Symposium on Applications of Plasma Processes, 3rd EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma Processing, SAPP XV, 15-20 Jan. 2005, Slovakia.
- "An Alkali Ion Source for Ion Mobility Spectrometer" Z.S. Hoseini, M. Tabrizchi, 15th Symposium on Applications of Plasma Processes, 3rd EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma Processing, SAPP XV 15-20 Jan. 2005, Slovakia.
- "1s Excitation and Ionization of O2 in its metastable a1D State" M. Alagia, M. Coreno, M. de Simone, H. Farrokhpour, K. C. Prince, R. Richter, S. Stranges, and M. Tabrizchi, 3rd SESAME Users Meeting 11-13 Oct 2004, Antalya, Turkey.
- “Temperature Effects on Resolution in Ion Mobility Spectrometry” M. Tabrizchi, the 12th International Conference on Ion Mobility Spectrometry, 27-31 July 2003 Umea, Sweden.
- “Proton Transfer Reactions in Ion Mobility Spectrometry” M. Tabrizchi, S. Shooshtary, A. Abedi, 1st International Conference on Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry and Its Applications, 18 – 23 Jan 2003, Innsbruck, Austria.
- “Application of Corona Discharge Ion Mobility Spectrometry for the Determination of Some Organic Pollutants” T. Khayamian, M. Tabrizchi, The XIVth Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes, SAPP XIV, 13-18 Jan 2003, Slovakia.
- “The Effect of Temperature on Corona Discharge in Ion Mobility Spectrometry” M. Tabrizchi, S. Shooshtary, The XIVth Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes, SAPP XIV, 13-18 Jan 2003, Slovakia.
- “Negative Corona Discharge Ion Mobility Spectrometry” M. Tabrizchi, A. Abedi, The 10th International Conference on Ion mobility Spectrometry, 12-17 August 2001, Wernigerode, Germany.
- “Chemical Flame as a new Ionization Source for Ion Mobility Spectrometry” T. Khayamian, M. Tabrizchi, The 10th International Conference on Ion Mobility Spectrometry, 12-17 August 2001, Wernigerode, Germany.
- “Ion Mobility Spectrometry of Alkali Salts” M. Tabrizchi, The 10th International Conference on Ion Mobility Spectrometry, 12-17 August 2001, Wernigerode, Germany.
- “Temperature Corrections for Ion Mobility Spectrometry” M. Tabrizchi, The 10th International Conference on Ion Mobility Spectrometry, 12-17 August 2001, Wernigerode, Germany.
- “Evaluation of Quantitative Analysis by Corona Discharge Ion Mobility Spectrometry” T. Khayamian, M. Tabrizchi, N. Taj, The 9th International Conference on Ion mobility Spectrometry, 7-11 August 2000, Halifax, Canada.
- “Ion Mobility Spectrometry in Helium with Corona Discharge” M. Tabrizchi, T. Khayamian, The 9th International Conference on Ion mobility Spectrometry, 7-11 August 2000, Halifax, Canada.
- “Corona Discharge Ion Mobility Spectrometry” M. Tabrizchi, T. Khayamian, N. Taj, The 8th International Conference on Ion Mobility Spectrometry, 8-12 August 1999, Buxton , UK.
- “X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy” invited speaker, Application of Synchrotron light in Life Science and Nanotechnology Workshop, 24-25 Feb 2010, Center for international scientific Studies collaboration, Tehran, Iran.
- "Study of two Photon Time-Resolved Optogalvanic Signals of Neon in the 600-630nm Region”, F. Abyar, F. Fathi, H. Farrokhpour, M. Tabrizchi, 13th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Shiraz University, Iran, 2010.
- “Space Charge Effect in Ion Mobility Spectrometry”,V. Ilbeigi, E. Jazan, M. Tabrizchi, 13th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Shiraz University, Iran, 2010.
- “Inverse Ion Mobility Spectrometry” M. Tabrizchi, E. Jazan, 13th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Shiraz University, Iran, 2010.
- “No+ as Raectant Ion in Ion Mobility Spectrometry” M. Darzi, M. Tabrizchi, 13th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Shiraz University, Iran, 2010.
- “Thermodynamic study of proton-bond dimer formation reaction in gas phase”, Z. Izadi, H. Farrokhpour, M. Tabrizchi, 13th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Shiraz University, Iran, 2010.
- “A Charged Nanoparticle Source at Atmospheric Pressure” E. Abedini, M. Tabrizchi, 12th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, University Kurdistan, Iran, 2009.
- “A non-radioactive electron capture detector for gas chromatography”, H. Bahrami, M. Tabrizchi, 12th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, University Kurdistan, Iran, 2009.
- “Transmission of Ions through Shutter Grid” M. Tabrizchi, H.R. Shamlouei, 12th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, University kurdistan, Iran, 2009.
- “Enhancing the Efficiency of the Evaporative Air Coolers” S.Majidi, M.Tabrizchi, 11th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, University mohaghegh Ardabili, Iran, 2009.
- “Construction of a Particle Counter” E. Abedini, M. Tabrizchi, , 12h Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar,20-23 July 2009, University of Kurdistan, Iran.
- “Effect of drift tube geometry on ion transmission” H.R. Shemlouei, M. Tabrizchi, 12h Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar,20-23 July 2009, University of Kurdistan, Iran.
- “Elimination of NO+ from the Reactant Ions in Ion Mobility Spectrometry” V. Ilbeigi and M. Tabrizchi, 12h Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar,20-23 July 2009, University of Kurdistan, Iran.
- “The Effect of Spraying on the Evaporation Rate” S. Majidi, M.Tabrizchi, 12h Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar,20-23 July 2009, University of Kurdistan, Iran.
- “Two photon time resolved optogalvanic signals of neon” H. Farokhpour and M. Tabrizchi, 12h Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar,20-23 July 2009, University of Kurdistan, Iran.
- “Enhancing the Efficiency of the Evaporative Air Coolers” S. Majidi, M. Tabrizchi, 11h Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar,20-23 July 2008, University of Mohaghegh Ardebili, Iran.
- “Detection of Trace Amount of Explosives by Positive Ion Mobility Spectrometry” V. Eilbeigi, M.Tabrizchi, M.T. Jafari, H.R. Shamlouei, 5th Conference of Explosives, Pyrotechnics and Propellants,18-20 Feb 2008, Tehran, Iran.
- “Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy with Synchrotron Radiation”, Invited Lecture, M. Tabrizchi, 14th Conference on Optics and Photonics, Rafsanjan. Iran, 29-31 Jan 2008.
- “Wavelength Calibration of Dye Laser” F. Fathi, M. Tabrizchi, H. Farrokhpour, R. omidyan, 14th Conference on Optics and Photonics, Rafsanjan. Iran 29-31 Jan 2008.
- “Optogalvanic Spectroscopy” M. Tabrizchi, Invited Speaker, First Iranian Quantum Chemistry Workshop, Shiraz University, Iran 29 July 2007.
- "Spin-Orbit Activated Interchannel Coupling in the Core Photoionization of Atoms" H. Farrokhpour, M. Tabrizchi, First Iranian Quantum Chemistry Workshop, Shiraz University, Iran 29 July 2007.
- “Kinetic study of electron attachment reaction to bromo-chloro alkanes by using of ion mobility spectrometry” M. Tabrizchi, A. Abedi, M. Nejati, 9th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, 13-15 June 2006, Guilan University, Rasht, Zibakenar, Iran. (PP75-76)
- “Thermodynamic Study of 2- butanone Proton Bound Dimer Reaction in Drift Tube” M. Tabrizchi, E. Khezri, 8th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, 21-24 Nov 2005, Ferdowsi Univ. of Mashhad, Mashhad Iran. (PP366-368)
- “Study of Dissociative Electron Attachment to Clorobromomethanes by Ion Mobility Spectrometry”, M. Nejati, A. Abedi, M. Tabrizchi, 8th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, 21-24 Nov 2005, Ferdowsi Univ. of Mashhad, Mashhad Iran. (PP254-256)
- "Resonant Auger Spectroscopy of Metastable Molecular Oxygen" H. Farrokhpour, M. Alagia, M. Coreno M. de Simone, K.C. Prince, R. Richter S. Stranges and M. Tabrizchi, 7th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, 8-10 March 2005, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran.
- "K-shell Ionization of O2 Molecule in Its metastable a1∆ state" 7th H. Farrokhpour, M. Alagia, M. Coreno, M. de Simone, K.C. Prince, R. Richter, S. Stranges, M. Tabrizchi, 7th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, 8-10 March 2005, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran.
- "Photoionization of inner-shell atomic spin-orbit doublets" H. Farrokhpour, M. Alagia, M. Coreno, M. de Simone, K. C. Prince, R. Richter, S. Stranges, M. Tabrizchi, 7th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, 8-10 March 2005, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran.
- "Measuring Diffusion Coefficient of Binary Gas Mixtures Using Negative Ion Mobility Spectrometry as a New Method" F. Rouholahnejad, M. Tabrizchi," 7th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, 8-10 March 2005, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran.
- "Construction of an Amperometric Gas Sensor for Detection of Hydrogen Sulfide" H. Moien, M. Tabrizchi, B. Rezaei, 7th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, 8-10 March 2005, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran.
- "Formation of Ion Clusters in Drift Tube" E. Khezri , A. Abedi, M. Tabrizchi, 7th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, 8-10 March 2005, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran.
- "The Effect of Reducing Pressure on Resolving Power in Ion Mobility Spectrometry" F. Rouholahnejad, M. Tabrizchi, 7th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, 8-10 March 2005, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran.
- "An Alkali Ion Source for Ion Mobility Spectrometer" Z. Hosseini, M. Tabrizchi, 7th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, 8-10 March 2005, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran.
- “Research Activities in the Gas Phase Beamline at Elettra”, M. Tabrizchi, Hossein Farrokhpoor, Second SESAME Users Meeting 2003, Isfahan University of Technology, 29 Nov- 1 Des, 2003, Isfahan, Iran.
- “Proton Affinity Measurements by Ion Mobility Spectrometry” M. Tabrizchi, S Shooshtary, The Second Physical Chemistry Conference, 11-13 March 2001, Kish Island, Iran.
- “Direct Determination of Trihalomethanes in Water using Negative Corona Discharge Ion Mobility Spectrometry” E. Jabarootian, T. Khayamian, M. Tabrizchi, 12th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, 28-30 Jan 2003, Mazandaran University, Bablosar, Iran.
- “Pressure and Temperature Effects on Ion Mobility Spectrometry” F. Rohollah-Nejad, M. Tabrizchi, The 6th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, 27-29 August 2002, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.
- “Kinetic Study of Electron Attachment to CHCl3” M. Tabrizchi, A Abedi, The 6th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, 27-29 August 2002, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.
- “Determination of Trace Level of Oxygen and the Method of Removing Oxygen from Nitrogen” B. Nazari, M. Tabrizchi, 11th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, 29-31 Jan 2002, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.
- “Analysis of Nitroaromatic, Nitramine, and Nitrate Ester Explosives by Ion Mobility Spectrometry using a Negative Corona Discharge Ionization Source” M. Jafari, T. Khayamian, M. Tabrizchi, 11th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, 29-31 Jan 2002, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
- “Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Mobilities of Halide Ions in Argon and Helium” I. Ebadi, M. Tabrizchi, Y. Ghayeb, The 5th Conference of Physical Chemistry, 31Jan-2Feb, 2002, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran.
- “Research Activities in the Gas Phase Beamline at Elettra”, M. Tabrizchi, Hossein Farrokhpoor, Second SESAME Users Meeting 2003, Isfahan University of Technology, 29 Nov- 1 Des, 2003, Isfahan, Iran.
- “Proton Bound Dimers in Ion Mobility Spectrometry” Z. Tabookht, M. Tabrizchi, The 5th Conference of Physical Chemistry, 31Jan-2Feb, 2002, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran.
- “Proton Affinity Measurements by Ion Mobility Spectrometry” M. Tabrizchi, S Shooshtary, The Second Physical Chemistry Conference, 11-13 March 2001, Kish Island, Iran.
- “Corona Discharge as an Ionization Source for ion Mobility Spectrometry” M. Tabrizchi, T. Khayamian, N. Taj, First physical Chemistry Conference, 11-13 May, 1999, Shiraz, Iran.
- “Detection of Explosives by Ion Mobility Spectrometry” M. Tabrizchi, First Seminar on Explosives, 1997, Imam Husein University, Tehran, Iran.
- “Construction of Flammable Gas Sensors” M. Tabrizchi, A. Razaghi, 13th National Congress of Chemistry, 1999, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
- “Laser Ablation Molecular Beam Spectroscopy” M. Tabrizchi, 12th National Congress of Chemistry, 31 Aug – 2 Sep 1997, Kerman University, Kerman, Iran.
- “Design and Optimization of an Ion Mobility Spectrometer” M. Tabrizchi, M.K. Amini, B. Najafi, T. Khayamian, 6th Iranian Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Congress, 2-5 Sep. 1991,Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.