Flow over a square cylinder in the proximity of a solid wall: effect of the gap size, Re=150 Upload your files: |
Influence of inlet shear on the flow around two tandem square cylinders, Re=150. Upload your files: |
Turbulent flow over a square cylinder in the proximity of a solid wall, effect of the gap size, Re=22000. When the gap size between the cylinder and the solid wall is decreased, the vortex shedding from the square cylinder suppress at a critical gap size, see animation. Upload your files: |
Influence of wall proximity on vortex shedding from two tandem square cylinders, Re=22000 Submitted by sohankar on Fri, 2012-07-27 18:29 When the gap size between two tandem cylinders and the solid wall is decreased, the vortex shedding from the square cylinders suppress at a critical gap size, see animation. Upload your files: |
Turbulent wake behind a square cylinder subject to uniform inlet shear flow, Re=22000. Upload your files: |
The hysteresis phenomenon from two tandem square cylinder in the proximity of a solid wall, Re=150. Submitted by sohankar on Fri, 2012-07-27 18:51 The hysteresis phenomenon occurs in a special range of the cylinders spacing. In this case, two different values are observed at each distance for different quantities such as lift and drag coefficient, Strouhal number and Nusselt number. |
The hysteresis phenomenon, Influence of inlet shear on vortex shedding from two tandem square cylinders, Re=150. Upload your files: |