Journal Papers

Journal Papers


Investigations of nanofluid flow and heat transfer in a rotating microchannel using single-and two-phase approaches
M Mahmoodi, A Sohankar, A Joulaei
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 83 (2), 80-115, 2023
Two-and three-dimensional simulations of flow and heat transfer around rectangular cylinders
A Mashhadi, A Sohankar
Computers & Fluids 249, 105689, 2022
An LES study of the wake flow dynamics and heat transfer characteristics of two side-by-side finite wall-mounted square cylinders
A Sohankar, AR Bahmani, MR Rastan
Ocean Engineering 266, 113104, 2022
Fluid flow and convective heat transfer in a rotating rectangular microchannel with various aspect ratios
A Sohankar, A Joulaei, M Mahmoodi
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 172, 107259, 2022
An experimental study on flow over two finite wall-mounted square cylinders in a staggered arrangement
J Aboueian, A Sohankar, MR Rastan, M Ghodrat
Ocean Engineering 240, 109954, 2022
Experimental and numerical evaluation of wind-driven natural ventilation of a curved roof for various wind angles
MK Esfeh, A Sohankar, AR Shahsavari, MR Rastan, M Ghodrat, M Nili
Building and Environment 205, 108275, 2021
Influence of rounding corners on the wake of a finite-length cylinder: An experimental study
MK Esfeh, A Sohankar, E Shirani
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 91, 108854, 2021
Flow field around two tandem non-identical-height square buildings via LES
F Freidooni, A Sohankar, MR Rastan, E Shirani
Building and Environment 201, 107985, 2021
Flow and heat transfer across two inline rotating cylinders: Effects of blockage, gap spacing, Reynolds number, and rotation direction
MR Rastan, A Sohankar, MM Alam
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 174, 121324, 2021
The wake of a wall-mounted rectangular cylinder: Cross-sectional aspect ratio effect
MR Rastan, H Shahbazi, A Sohankar, MM Alam, Y Zhou
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 213, 104615, 2021
Flow over rectangular cylinder: Effects of cylinder aspect ratio and Reynolds number
A Mashhadi, A Sohankar, MM Alam
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 195, 106264, 2021
Dynamic thermal model for winding temperature of an SRM in an integrated battery charger utilized in electric vehicles
SR Rahnamaei, SMS Nejad, A Rashidi, A Sohankar
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 36 (3), 1766-1775, 2020
Fluid flow and heat transfer around single and tandem square cylinders subjected to shear flow
A Sohankar, E Rangraz, M Khodadadi, MM Alam
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 42, 1-22, 2020
Effect of cylinder corner radius and attack angle on heat transfer and flow topology
MM Alam, T Abdelhamid, A Sohankar
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 175, 105566, 2020
Modulation of aerodynamic characteristics of a finite wall-mounted square cylinder through steady jet injection
MR Rastan, A Sohankar, DJ Moreau, CJ Doolan, M Awasthi
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 112, 109976, 2020
Control of flow and heat transfer over two inline square cylinders
A Sohankar, M Khodadadi, E Rangraz, MM Alam
Physics of Fluids 31 (12), 123604
Controlled flow over a finite square cylinder using suction and blowing
MR Rastan, A Sohankar, C Doolan, D Moreau, E Shirani, MM Alam
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 156, 410-434, 2019
Numerical study of water/Al2O3 nanofluid forced convection in a rotating hydrophilic and hydrophobic microchannel
A Sohankar, M Riahi, E Shirani
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 12 (1), 219-231, 2019
Experimental study of the flow around two finite square cylinders.
A Sohankar, M Abbasi, M Nili-Ahmadabadi, MD ALAM, F Zafar
Archives of Mechanics 70 (5), 2018
Control of vortex shedding, forces and heat transfer from a square cylinder at incidence by suction and blowing
A Sohankar, M Najafi
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 129, 266-279, 2018
Low-Reynolds-number flow around a wall-mounted square cylinder: Flow structures and onset of vortex shedding
MR Rastan, A Sohankar, MM Alam
Physics of Fluids 29 (10), 103601, 2017
Identification of flow regimes around two staggered square cylinders by a numerical study.
J Aboueian, A Sohankar
Theoretical & Computational Fluid Dynamics 31 (3), 2017
Numerical investigation of heat transfer and pressure drop in a rotating U-shaped hydrophobic microchannel with slip flow and temperature jump boundary conditions
A Sohankar, M Riahi, E Shirani
Applied Thermal Engineering 117, 308-321, 2017
Feature of the flow over a finite length square cylinder on a wall at various incidence angles
A Sohankar, MK Esfeh, H Pourjafari, MM Alam, L Wang
Wind Struct 26, 317-329, 2017
Thermal performance evaluation of the rotating U-shaped micro/mini/macrochannels using water and nanofluids
M Kanikzadeh, A Sohankar
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 70 (6), 650-672, 2016
Numerical investigation of forced convection flow of nanofluids in rotating U-shaped smooth and ribbed channels
M Kanikzadeh, A Sohankar
Heat Transfer Engineering 37 (10), 840-861, 2016
Numerical investigation for finding the appropriate design parameters of a fin-and-tube heat exchanger with delta-winglet vortex generators
M Behfard, A Sohankar
Heat and Mass Transfer 52, 21-37, 2016
An experimental study on the evaluation of natural ventilation performance of a two-sided wind-catcher for various wind angles
M Afshin, A Sohankar, MD Manshadi, MK Esfeh
Renewable Energy 85, 1068-1078, 2016
A smoke visualization study of the flow over a square cylinder at incidence and tandem square cylinders
A Sohankar, S Mohagheghian, AA Dehghan, M Dehghan Manshadi
Journal of Visualization 18, 687-703, 2015
Study of hysteresis associated with power-law fluids past square prisms arranged in tandem
F Nikfarjam, A Sohankar
Ocean Engineering 104, 698-713, 2015
The evaluation of a detached eddy simulation based on the k–ω–υ2¯–f model with three flow configurations
M Mirzaei, A Sohankar
Aerospace Science and Technology 43, 199-212, 2015
Control of fluid flow and heat transfer around a square cylinder by uniform suction and blowing at low Reynolds numbers
A Sohankar, M Khodadadi, E Rangraz
Computers & Fluids 109, 155-167, 2015
Visualized Flow Patterns around and inside a Two-Sided Wind-Catcher in the Presence of Upstream Structures
M Afshin, A Sohankar, MD Manshadi, MR Daneshgar, GRD Kamaragi
International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 8 (12), 1312-1317, 2014
Experimental Study of the Downstream Flow of a Cylinder with Three Different Cross Sections by Hot Wire Anemometry
A Saeidinezhad, A Sohankar, AA Dehghan
Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering 46 (1), 13-23, 2014
A LES study of the flow interference between tandem square cylinder pairs
A Sohankar
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 28, 531-548, 2014
Large Eddy Simulation of the flow and heat transfer in a half-corrugated channel with various wave amplitudes
M Mirzaei, A Sohankar, L Davidson, F Innings
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 76, 432-446, 2014
Numerical study of convective heat transfer and fluid flow around two side by side square cylinders using
turbulence model
M Mirzaei, A Sohankar
Heat and Mass Transfer 49, 1755-1769, 2013
The effect of corrugation on heat transfer and pressure drop in channel flow with different Prandtl numbers
M Mirzaei, L Davidson, A Sohankar, F Innings
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 66, 164-176, 2013
Power-law fluids flow and heat transfer over two tandem square cylinders: effects of Reynolds number and power-law index
F Nikfarjam, A Sohankar
Acta Mechanica 224 (5), 1115-1132, 2013
Heat transfer augmentation in plate finned tube heat exchangers with vortex generators: a comparison of round and flat tubes
M Mirzaei, A Sohankar
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transactions of Mechanical, 2013 …
A numerical investigation of the flow over a pair of identical square cylinders in a tandem arrangement
A Sohankar
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 70 (10), 1244-1257, 2012
Reduction of fluid forces and heat transfer on a square cylinder in a laminar flow regime using a control plate
S Malekzadeh, A Sohankar
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 34, 15-27, 2012
Dynamic analysis of small pig through two and three-dimensional liquid pipeline
M Lesani, M Rafeeyan, A Sohankar
Heat transfer and fluid flow through a ribbed passage in staggered arrangement
A Sohankar
Forced‐convection heat transfer from tandem square cylinders in cross flow at low Reynolds numbers
A Sohankar, A Etminan
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 60 (7), 733-751, 2009
Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes simulations of unsteady separated flow using the k− ω− υ2− f model
MR Nazari, A Sohankar, S Malekzadeh, A Alemrajabi
Journal of Turbulence, N34, 2009
Large eddy simulation of flow past rectangular-section cylinders: Side ratio effects
A Sohankar
Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics 96 (5), 640-655, 2008
Heat transfer augmentation in a rectangular channel with a vee-shaped vortex generator
A Sohankar
International journal of heat and fluid flow 28 (2), 306-317, 2007
Hopf bifurcation, vortex shedding and near wake study of a heated cylinder in cross flow
A Sohankar
Flow over a bluff body from moderate to high Reynolds numbers using large eddy simulation
A Sohankar
Computers & Fluids 35 (10), 1154-1168, 2006
The LES and DNS simulations of heat transfer and fluid flow in a plate-fin heat exchanger with vortex generators
A Sohankar
Numerical study of heat and fluid flow in a plate-fin heat exchanger with vortex generators
A Sohankar Esfahani, L Davidson
Turbulence Heat and Mass Transfer 4/Hanjalic, K., Nagano, Y., Tummers, MJ …, 2003
Large eddy simulation of flow past a square cylinder: comparison of different subgrid scale models
A Sohankar, L Davidson, C Norberg
J. Fluids Eng. 122 (1), 39-47, 2000, 1999
Numerical simulation of flow past a square cylinder
A Sohankar, C Norberg, L Davidson
3rd ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, 1-6, 1999
Simulation of three-dimensional flow around a square cylinder at moderate Reynolds numbers
A Sohankar, C Norberg, L Davidson
Physics of fluids 11 (2), 288-306, 1999
A dynamic one-equation subgrid model for simulation of flow around a square cylinder
A Sohankar, L Davidson, C Norberg
Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Experiments 4, 227-236, 1999
Low‐Reynolds‐number flow around a square cylinder at incidence: study of blockage, onset of vortex shedding and outlet boundary condition
A Sohankar, C Norberg, L Davidson
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 26 (1), 39-56, 1998
Numerical study of laminar, transitional and turbulent flow past rectangular cylinders
A Sohankar Esfahani
Chalmers University of Technology
Numerical simulation of unsteady low-Reynolds number flow around rectangular cylinders at incidence
A Sohankar, C Norbergb, L Davidson
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 69, 189-201, 1997

Malekzadeh S., Sohankar A., Reduction of fluid forces and heat transfer on a square cylinder in a laminar flow regime using a control plate, I. Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow , Vol. 34, pp. 15-27, 2012. (ISI) (January, 2012)


Sohankar A., A numerical investigation of the flow over a pair of identical square cylinders in a tandem arrangement, I. Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2011. (ISI)


Lesani M., Rafeeyan M., Sohankar A. Dynamic Analysis of small pig through two and three dimensional liquid pipeline, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics (JAFM), accepted for publication, 2010.    

Sohankar A., Heat transfer and fluid flow through a ribbed passage in staggered arrangement, Iranian Journal of Science & Technology: Transaction B: Engineering, Vol. 34, No. B5, pp. 471-485, 2010. (ISI)


Sohankar A., Etminan A., Forced-convection heat transfer from tandem square cylinders in cross flow at low Reynolds numbers, I. Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 60, pp. 733-751, 2009. (ISI)


Nazari M.R., Sohankar A., Malekzadeh S. and Alemrajabi A. Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes simulations of unsteady separated flow using the k−ω−υ2−f model, Journal of Turbulence, Vol. 10, No. 34, pp. 1-13, 2009. (ISI)


Sohankar A. A. Large eddy simulation of flow past rectangular section cylinders: aspect ratio effects, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol., 96, pp.640-655, 2008. (ISI)


Sohankar A., Heat transfer augmentation in a rectangular channel with a vee-shaped vortex generator, I. Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow , Vol. 28, pp. 306-317, 2007. (ISI)


Sohankar A., Hopf bifurcation, vortex shedding and near wake study of a heated cylinder in cross flow, Iranian Journal of Science & Technology: Transaction B: Engineering, Vol. 31, No. B1, pp. 31-47, 2007. (ISI)


Sohankar A., Flow over a bluff body from moderate to high Reynolds numbers using large eddy simulation, Computers & Fluids, Vol. 35, pp. 1154-1168, 2006. (ISI)


Sohankar A., The LES and DNS simulations of heat transfer and fluid flow in a plate-fin heat exchanger with vortex generators, Iranian Journal of Science & Technology: Transaction B: Technology, Vol. 28, No. B4, pp. 443-452, 2004. (ISI)


Sohankar A., DAVIDSON, L., Effect of Inclined Vortex Generators on Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Three Dimensional Channel, Numerical Heat Transfer. Part A. Vol. 39, No. 5, pp. 433-448, 2001.


Sohankar A., DAVIDSON, L. and NORBERG, C., Large eddy Simulation of Flow Past a Square Cylinder: Comparison of Different Subgrid Scale Models, Journal of Fluids Engineering, ASME, Vol. 122, pp. 39-47, 2000. (ISI)


Sohankar A., NORBERG, C. and DAVIDSON, L., Simulation of Three Dimensional Flow around a Square Cylinder at Moderate Reynolds Numbers, Physics of Fluids A, Vol. 11, pp. 288-306, 1999. (ISI)


Sohankar A., NORBERG, C. and DAVIDSON, L., Low-Reynolds Flow around a Square Cylinder at Incidence: Study of Blockage, Onset of Vortex Shedding and Outlet Boundary Condition, , I. Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 26, pp. 39-56, 1998. (ISI)

Sohankar A., NORBERG, C. and DAVIDSON, L., Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Low-Reynolds Number Flow Around Rectangular Cylinders at Incidence, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol., 69-71, pp.189-201, 1997. (ISI)