Supervised Students

Ph.D Students

1- Seyyed Mohammadreza Hosseininasab

Subject: Evaluation, selection, and scheduling of urban road construction projects by a multi-objective integrated approach

2- Hadi Karimi

Subject: Origin Destination Matrix Estimation and Observation Using Traffic Sensors in Large Scale Networks

3- Reza Mahmoudi

Subject: Sustainable urban transportation network design: Data envelopment analysis and game theoric approaches

4- Mohammad Ali Gorji

Subject: Improving urban resilience to disasters through transportation policies


M.Sc Students

* Elham Gorji

Subject: Improving urban resilience in the urban emergency evacuation problem using demand management

* Navid Hadavi

Subject: Emergency accommodation of citizens in the face of earthquake disaster

* Hasan Shirazi

Subject: Assesment of Isfahan’s transportation network resilience by using topologicalapproach and proposing resilience improvement strategies

* Amirhossein Badrkoohi

Subject: Competition Analysis in Product Distribution of Two Independent Distributers Using Game Theory

* Ayda Shojaei

Subject: Cordon Pricing in Central Zone of Isfahan City in order to Reduce Air Pollution and Earn Money to Improve Network Infrastructure

* Fatemeh Ghorbani 

Subject: Estimation of urban travel demand matrix using collected data by GPS-based Automated Vehicle Location(AVL) and Counting Sensors

* Javad Pourmohammad

subject: Emergency medical services location problem in urban areas considering the probability of events occuring and the response time (case study Isfahan)

* Mostafa Asgharyar

Subject: Vehicle routing problem with periodic demand under existence of cross docking

*Mohammad Moahdi Abdi

Subject: Reliability improvment of the performance of urban transportation networks under recurrent congestion in the conditions of the driver's unaware of the traffic situation by using street widening

* Ali Riahi Samani

Subject: Assessing and improving transportation network performance reliability subject to recurrent congestion



* Ebrahim Fatehi

Subject : Mathematical model for Bus Fleet Assignment Using Usual and Express Busses, Case Study: Sanandaj City

* Abdolmatin Shirmohammadli

Subejct : Estimating Trip Production and Distribution Models for Isfahan City

* Hamid Moradi

Subject : Optimal Selection of Location for Isfahan Health Centers

* Hadi Karimi

Subject : Isfahan Transportation Demand Prediction Based on Land Use Data Estimation

* Meisam Akbarzadeh

Subject : Developing a Mode Choice Model and Implementing It for Isfahan City

* Mahshid Memarzadeh

Subject : Developing Transportation Disaggregate Models for City of Isfahan

* Saeid Pourmasoumi

Subject : A System Dynamics Model for Analyzing Iran Energy-Economy System

* Fatemeh Ghorbani

Subject: Estimation of urban travel demand matrix using collected data by GPS-based Automated Vehicle Location(AVL) and Counting Sensors