Biography 60

Personal Data

Birth date                                : 23 November, 1960.

Birth place                              : Ahwaz, Iran.

Citizenship                             : Iranian.

Marital status                        : Married, 2 Children.


Academic Qualification

Sabbatical leave at Curtin University, Western Australia, 2012-2013.


Degree title                   : Ph.D.

Field of study                         : Mycology & Plant Pathology.

Division                                    : Plant Pathology.

University                               : Indian Agricultural Research Institute.

City / Country                       : New Delhi, India.

From year to year                : 1996-2000.


Degree title                   : M.Sc.

Field of study                         : Plant Pathology.

Faculty                                      : College of Agriculture.

University                                : Tehran University.

City / Country                        : Karaj, Iran.

From year to year                 : 1988-1991.


Degree title                   : B.Sc.

Field of study                         : General Agriculture.

Faculty                                     : College of Agriculture.

University                              : Shahid Chamran (Ahwaz) University.

City / Country                      : Ahwaz, Iran.

From year to year               : 1979-1985.


Employment History

Title of position                   : Professor of Plant Pathology.

From year to year               : 1991 up to present.

Duties                                       : Teaching and Research.

Employer                                : Isfahan University of Technology.

Address of employer         : College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of

                                                       Technology, Isfahan, 8415683111, Iran.


Professional Skills

Nucleic Acid Work: DNA extraction (plants, fungi, bacteria ), purification, restriction digestion, cloning, library preparation, southern blotting, phosphor imaging and autoradiography, RFLP, RAPD, SSR and AFLP analysis, DNA sequencing, RNA extraction, purification, Northern blotting, Preparation of constructs in binary vectors, Real-time PCR.

Biochemistry: Estimation for sugars, phenols and amino acids, Protein extraction and purification, Agarose and Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.

Microbiology: Isolation of plant pathogens from infected plant parts, single spore isolation, culture maintenance, spore germination studies, chemical control measures, translocation of systemic fungicides, study of mode of inheritance of resistance in the host, breeding for disease resistance, pathogen inoculation and scoring for disease and fungicide resistance studies.

Others: Ability to work in a multicultural environment, Maintain good interpersonal relations, proven ability to publish data, Aptitude for critical appraisal of observations.



  1. Iranian Phytopathological Society
  2. Iranian Mycological Society
  3. American Phytopathological Society


Editorial Board

  1. Mycologia Iranica (Official Journal of the Iranian Mycological Society) Editor in-chief
  2. Rostaniha (Botanical Journal  Iran)