
The researches interests of this croup revolve around understanding the structure-function relationship in metallic materials during welding and joining process.

The research can be broken into the following themes:


  • Characterization of microstructure, mechanical properties, corrosion behavior and texture of Incoloy 825 Ni-based alloy welded to 2507 super duplex stainless steel through Dissimilar Friction Stir Welding
  • Friction stir welding of ferrite-Martensite dual phase steel and evaluation of weldment properties
  • Laser beam welding of coated AISI 316L foils for fuel cell application
  • Fabrication and evaluation of mechanical properties and micro-structure of Al-Al203 Nano-composite by sever plastic deformation
  • Corrosion resistance and electrical conductivity of electrical deposition coating on the stainless steel substrate for fuel cell application
  • Transition liquid phase bonding of Inconel 718 alloy to  stainless steel AISI 316L