1) M. Shamanian, M. Salehi, F. Ashrafizadeh, "Tribological behavior of Fe-Al coated tool steel", Steel Symposioum75, pp. 386-396, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 1996.
2) M. Shamanian, M. Salehi, F. Ashrafizadeh, " Plasma spectroscopy of Fe-Al and Fe-Al-Ni coatings", Proceeding of 2nd Iranian Seimanr on Surface Engineering, pp. 519-526, University of Tehran, Tehran, 1997.
3) M. Shamanian, M. Salehi, F. Ashrafizadeh, " A comparative study on tribological behavior of Fe-Al and Fe-Al-Ni coated tool steel", Proceeding of 2nd Iranian Seimanr on Surface Engineering, pp. 403-410, University of Tehran, Tehran, 1997.
4) M. Shamanian, M.H. Abbasi, A. Saidi, M. Pishva, " An investigation on quality of produced gas in Ghaem reactor 2 and effects of various parameters", Proceeding of 2nd Congerss of Iran Metallurgical Society, pp. 33-41, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, 1998.
5) M. Shamanian, A. Najafizadeh, M.A. Shahriari, J .Izadi, " Hot charge processing of slabs in Mobarekeh steel Co.", Proceeding of 2nd Congerss of Iranian Metallurgical Engineering Society, pp. 733-741, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, 1998.
6) M. Shamanian, A. Najafizadeh, M.A. Shahriari, J .Izadi, "Simulation of cooling of hot charged slabs", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum78, pp. 181-185, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 1999.
7) M. Shamanian, A. Ghasemi, F. Ashrafizadeh, " Effect of steel grade on aluminizing", Proceeding of 3rd Congerss of Iranian Metallurgical Engineering Society, pp. 183-190, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 1999.
8) M. Shamanian, F. Ashrafizadeh, M. Salehi, " Effect of aluminide and Nickel-aluminide coatings on oxidation behavior of carbon tool steel", Proceeding of 3rd Iranian Seimanr on Surface Engineering, pp. 241-248, Sapco Co., Tehran, 1999.
9) M.Shamanian, A.Saatchi, M.Salehi, T.H.North, "Friction Welding of Ti6Al4V/(WC-Co)", Proceeding of the 5th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, Amirkabir University of Technology, pp.411-417, Tehran, 2001.
10) M.Shamanian, A.Saatchi, M.Salehi, T.H.North, " Microstructure and mechanical properties of titanium alloy hard faced with WC-Co", Proceeding of 4th Iranian Seimanr on Surface Engineering, pp. 187-194, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 2001.
11) M.Shamanian, A.Saatchi, M.Salehi, T.H.North, "Friction welding of 316 austenitic stainless", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum80, pp. 272-278, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 2002.
12) M.Shamanian, A.Saatchi, M.Salehi, T.H.North, "Effect of nickel interlayer on mechanical properties of Ti6Al4V/(WC-Co friction welds", Proceeding of Regional congeress of IIW, pp. 149-160, 2002.
13) M.shamanian, A. Saatchi, M.Salehi, T.H.North, “Meltallurgical and Mechanical Properties of Ti6Al4V/(WC-Co) Friction Welds", Proceeding of Iranian seminar of welding and NDT, pp. 165-176, 2002.
14) M.shamanian, B. Soltani, “Microstructural evaluation of st37 low carbon join prepared by spark welding", Proceeding of 6th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, 2003.
15) M.Shamanian, H.R. Rezaei, M. Golzar, "Effect of heat treatment on performance of hot forging dies", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum81, pp. 517-524, 2003.
16) A. zeinivand, M.Shamanian, "Friction welding of Al-matrix composites", Proceeding of Middle East congeress of IIW, pp. 87-96, 2002.
17) H. Shahbazkhani, M.Shamanian, "Friction welding of Al-matrix composite/stainless steel and evaluation of joint properties", Proceeding of 5th Iranian anfd 2nd international lconference of aerospace society of Iran, pp. 581-590, 2002.
18) G. Amirabadi, M.Shamanian, N. Nehzat, "Microstructure of partially melted region of 6061-T651 aluminum alloy and effect of heat treatment", Proceeding of 6th Iranain conference of manufacturing, pp. 1-9, 2002.
19) S.R. Mortazavi, A. Saidi, M.Shamanian, H. Mashuri, M. Momayyezan, "Effect of charge height on quality of sinters in Zobahan steel company", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum82, pp. 228-234, 2004.
20) A. Saidi, M. Golmakani, M.Shamanian, E. Nezaminia, A. Ghasemi, "Effect of DRI quality on affecting parameters in steelmaking in Mobarekeh steel company", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum82, pp. 235-243, 2004.
21) M.Shamanian, R. Shateri, E. Abasi, "Pridiction of microstructure of HAZ in HMDI steel using dilatometery", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum82, pp. 511-520, 2004.
22) A. Asadpur, V .Hajabbasi, M.Shamanian, R. Shateri, E. Abasi, "Welding of API steel and properties of joint", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum82, pp. 521-530, 2004.
23) R. Emadi, A. Monshi, A. Shafyei, M.Shamanian, "Feasibilty study on using of hydraulic bounds in specific refractories", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum82, pp. 521-530, 2004.
24) M.Shamanian, A. Saidi, "Effect of heat treatment on microstructure of 25Cr-35Ni heat resistant steel", 1st regional seminar of heat treatment, pp. 105-112, 2004.
25) M.Shamanian, A. Saidi, A. Asadpur, "Metallurgical properties of 25Cr-35Ni heat resistant steel welds", Proceeding of the 8th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, Isfahan University of Technology, pp.1423-1428, Isfahan, 2004.
26) F. Javid, T. Haghir, M.Shamanian, "Welding of 420 martensitic stainless steel and evaluation of joint properties", Proceeding of the 8th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, Isfahan University of Technology, pp.1439-1445, Isfahan, 2004.
27) M.Shamanian, F. Javid, A. Sharghi-tabrizi, H .Dehghani, "Metallurgical properties of 304/420 stainless steel welds", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum83, pp. 742-750, 2005.
28) M. Mohammadi, M.Shamanian, N. Nehzat, "The effect of microstructure on oxidation of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel welds", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum83, pp. 764-774, 2005.
29) S. Amini, B. Bahrami, M.Shamanian, "An investigation on crack intiation in Zircalloy4/316 stainles steel welds", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum83, pp. 800-807, 2005.
30) M.Shamanian, F. Javid, M. Samadi-khoshkhu, B .Bagheri, "Microstructure and mechanica lproperties of cast X23H7 austenitic stainless steel welds", Proceeding of the 9th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, University of Shiraz, pp.1367-1375, Shiraz, 2005.
31) G. Azimi, M.Shamanian, A. Saatchi, "Effects of post-weld heat treatment on intergranular corrosion of 347 austenitic stainless welds", Proceeding of the 9th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, University of Shiraz, pp.1099-1107, Shiraz, 2005.
32) S. Isapur-kushali, M.Shamanian, "Effects of time and temperature on oxidation behavior of plain carbon steel in atmospheric environment", Proceeding of the 9th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, University of Shiraz, pp.1108-1118, Shiraz, 2005.
33) S. Isapur-kushali, M.Shamanian, "Effects of austenitic stainless steel cladding on oxidation behavior of plain carbon steel", Proceeding of the 9th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, University of Shiraz, pp.960-970, Shiraz, 2005.
33) S. Isapur-kushali, M.Shamanian, "Effects of austenitic stainless steel cladding on oxidation behavior of plain carbon steel", Proceeding of the 9th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, University of Shiraz, pp.960-970, Shiraz, 2005.
35) G. Azimi, M.shamanian, A .Saatchi, “Intergranular corrosion in stabilized austenitic stainless steel weld using Huey test", Proceeding of 7th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, 209-220, 2005.
36) M.shamanian, “Effect of microstructure on weldability of cast HK40 steel", Proceeding of 7th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, 221-228, 2005.
37) M.shamanian, S. Isapur, “Effects of austenitic stainless steel cladding on oxidation behavior of plain carbon steel", Proceeding of 7th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, 393-401, 2005.
38) M.shamanian, M.H. Khalilian, “Metallurgical evaluation of 316L stainless steel welds", Proceeding of 7th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, 442-450, 2005.
39) B. Yarmand, A. Saidi, M.Shamanian, "Effects of aluminum and titanium contents on microstructure and phase composition of Al-TiC-Al2O3 composites", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum84, pp. 448-455, 2006.
40) A. Saidi, M.H. Golmakani, M.Shamanian, "Evaluation of various solid fuels for palletizing in Mobarekeh steel Co.", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum84, pp. 36-47, 2006.
41) H. Niakan, A. Nazafizadeh, M.Shamanian, "Effect of strain rate on microstructure of duplex steel", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum84, pp. 260-269, 2006.
42) H.R. Rezaei, M.Shamanian, B .Nirumand, F. Ashrafizadeh, "Effect of post-weld heat treatment on microstructure of CA6NM steel", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum84, pp. 854-865, 2006.
43) R. Dehmolaei, M. Shamanian, A. Kermanpur, " The effect of solution anealling temperature on weldability of Iccoloy 80 superally", Proceeding of 7th Iranian Seimanr on Surface Engineering and Heat Teatment, pp. 359-372, 2006.
44) M. Shamanian, " Microstructure of HK40 steel in cast and aged conditions", Proceeding of 7th Iranian Seimanr on Surface Engineering and Heat Teatment, pp. 465-471, 2006.
45) M. Shamanian, A. Kermanpur, S. Isapur, " Cladding of plain carbon steel with austenitic stainless steel", Proceeding of 7th Iranian Seimanr on Surface Engineering and Heat Teatment, pp. 1483-1489, 2006.
46) V. Esfahani-yeganeh, M.A. Jabbari, A. Kermanpur, M.Shamanian, "Numerical-thermal simulation of arc welded Incoloy8", Proceeding of the 10th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, University of Mashhad, 2006.
47) G. Shamanian, M.Shamanian, "Cladding of plain carbon steel with high-Mn steel", Proceeding of the 10th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, University of Mashhad, 2006.
48) A. Fathi, M.Shamanian, "Effect of vibration on microstructure of 316/420 stainless steel dissimilar welds", Proceeding of the 10th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, University of Mashhad, 2006.
49) M .Amirnejad, M.Shamanian, "Effect of primary microstructure on weldability of cast iron", Proceeding of the 10th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, University of Mashhad, 2006.
50) A. Saidi, M.H. Golmakani, M.Shamanian, "Effect of cast iron charge as an alternative to coke and scrap in arc furnaces", Proceeding of the 10th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, University of Mashhad, 2006.
51) G. Azimi, M.Shamanian, "Effect of twinning on intergranular corrosion of 347 stabilized stainless steel ", Proceeding of the 10th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, University of Mashhad, 2006.
52) H. Heydari-moghaddam, M .Panjepur, M.Shamanian, M.H Abbasi, "Effect of coke size on thermal profile of sinter", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum85, pp. 121-128, 2006.
53) M. Parovi-rad, F. Ashrafizadeh, M.Shamanian, "Effect of post-weld heat treatment on mechanical properties 414MM-S steel", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum85, pp. 573-581, 2006.
55) R. Dehmolaei, M.Shamanian, "Effect of heat input on microstructure of Incoloy800/heat resistant steel dissimilar welds", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum85, pp. 833-843, 2006.
56) H. Naffakh, M.Shamanian, F. Ashrafizadeh, "Microstructure of 310 stainless steel/ A560 superalloy dissimilar welds", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum85, pp. 845-857, 2006.
58) R. Dehmolaei, M.shamanian, “A new filler metal for dissimilar welding of Incoloy800/Hp steel", Proceeding of 8th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 233-242, 2007.
59) M. Rahmati, M.shamanian, E. Heshmat-dehlordi, R. Naji, “Effects of GTAW welding with HSW, LPW and LPHSW techniques on residual stress of monel 400", Proceeding of 8th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 243-249, 2007.
60) A. Kermanpur, M.shamanian, H. Purmohammad, V. Esfahani-yeganeh, “Numerical-structural simulation of Incoloy800 welds", Proceeding of 8th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 403-412, 2007.
61) J. Rasti, M.shamanian, M.R. Ahmadi, “Mathematical modeling of relations between turning speed and forward speed of tool in friction-stir welding", Proceeding of 8th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 465, 2007.
62) H. Naffakh, M.shamanian, F. Ashrafizadeh, “Effect of heat input on microstructure of interface and HAZ in 310/A560 dissimilar welds", Proceeding of 8th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 477, 2007.
63) B. Daneshian, M. Shamanian, " The effect microstructure on wear behavior of steel coated with WC-Co-Cr TIG cladds", Proceeding of 8th Iranian Seimanr on Surface Engineering and Heat Teatment, 2007.
64) R. Dehmolaei, M. Shamanian, "The effect solution annealling temperature on microstructure and weldability of HP steel/ Incoloy 800 superally ", Proceeding of 8th Iranian Seimanr on Surface Engineering and Heat Teatment, 2007.
65) H. Naffakh, M.Shamanian, F. Ashrafizadeh, "Effect of heat input on microstructure of interface and HAZ in 310/A560 dissimilar welds ", Proceeding of the 11th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, Isfahan steel company, 2007.
66) A. Fathi, M.Shamanian, "Effect of vibration on hardness and corrosion of 316/420 stainless steel dissimilar welds", Proceeding of the 11th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, Isfahan steel company, 2007.
67) S. Mousavipur, M.Shamanian, "Cladding of ductile iron with austenitic stainless steel", Proceeding of the 11th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, Isfahan steel company, 2007.
68) S. Saatchian, A. Saidi, A. Shafyei, M.Shamanian, "Evaluation of affecting parameters on mechanochemical synthesis of NbSi2", Proceeding of the 11th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, Isfahan steel company, 2007.
69) A. Atighechi, M.Shamanian, G. Azimi, "Cladding of plain carbon steel with white iron and evaluation of wear behavior", Proceeding of the 11th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, Isfahan steel company, 2007.
70) H. Naffakh, M. Shamanian, F. Ashrafizadeh, "Effect of aging heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of stainless steel310/Inconel657 dissimilar welds", Proceeding of the 11th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, Isfahan steel company, 2007.
71) R. Tahmasebi, M. Panjepur, M. Shamanian, M.H. Abbasi, "Effect of mechanical activation on microstructural evolutions of hematite-graphite mixture in presence of iron", Proceeding of the 11th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, Isfahan steel company, 2007.
72) R. Amini, M. Shamanian, "Effect of microstructure on wear behavior of steel surface alloyed with WC-Ni using TIG", Proceeding of the 11th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, Isfahan steel company, 2007.
73) M. Samadi, M. Shamanian, A. Saiid, M.H .Abbasi, M. Panjepur, F. Asgharzadeh, "Theory derrived from Zenin analysis for activation energy of combustion synthesis reactions", Proceeding of the 11th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, Isfahan steel company, 2007.
74) M. Samadi, M. Shamanian, A. Saiid, M.H .Abbasi, M. Panjepur, F. Asgharzadeh, "Effect of Cu addition of thermal profile of combustion synthesis of Mo-Si mixture", Proceeding of the 11th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, Isfahan steel company, 2007.
75) H. Purmohaamd, A. Kermanpur, M. Shamanian, "Numerical simulation of thermal gradient in arc weleded Incoloy800 ", Proceeding of the 11th Congress of Iranian Mechanical Engineering, 2007.
76) R. Tahmasebi, M. Panjepur, M. Shamanian, M.H. Abbasi, "Effect of mechanical activation on microstructural evolutions of hematite-graphite mixture in presence of iron", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum86, pp. 73-80, 2007.
77) M .Jafari, M .Salek, M. Shamanian, A .Hedayati, "MoSi2 coatings on plain carbon steel using GTAW process", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum86, pp. 679-687, 2007.
78) G. Azimi, M. Shamanian, "Wear behavior of Fe-Cr-Si-C surface layer produced by GTAW on plain carbon steel", Proceeding of 9th Iranian Seimanr on Surface Engineering and Heat Teatment, 2008.
79) D. Sohrabi, M. Shamanian, "Microstructure of Mo-C layer produced by GTAW on plain carbon steel", Proceeding of 9th Iranian Seimanr on Surface Engineering and Heat Teatment, 2008.
80) S. Ekhlasi, M. Shamanian, G. Azimi, "In situ synthesis of Si-C on low alloyed steel with cladding and evaluation of hardness and wear behavior", Proceeding of 9th Iranian Seimanr on Surface Engineering and Heat Teatment, 2008.
81) H. Atighechi, M. Shamanian, G. Azimi, " Cladding of plain carbon steel with white iron and evaluation of wear behavior ", Proceeding of 9th Iranian Seimanr on Surface Engineering and Heat Teatment, 2008.
82) A. Heidarimoghaddam, M. Panjepur, M. Shamanian, M.H .Abbasi, "Effect of coke on reducability of sinter and mathemathical modeling", Proceeding of the 2nd Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society and Casting, Isfahan steel company, 243-2552007.
83) I. Berenjani, K. Reissi, M.shamanian, A. Saatchi, “Effect of GTAW on corrosion behavior of 316L stainless steel", Proceeding of 9th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 50-57, 2008.
84) M.R. Pakmanesh, A. Saatchi, M.shamanian, “Effect of heat input on mechanical properties of inconel 617 welds", Proceeding of 9th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 68-77, 2008.
85) M.H .Amushahi, F. Ashrafizadeh, M.shamanian, “hardfacing of carbon steel with Boron-rich coating", Proceeding of 8th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 229-237, 2008.
86) N. Najjari, M.shamanian, A. Saatchi, “Microstructure of stellite6 clads on plain carbon steel", Proceeding of 9th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 271-278, 2008.
87) M. Haruni, M.shamanian, A. Fadaei, “Microstructure of TiNi and TiNi-TiC produced by GTAW", Proceeding of 9th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 288-295, 2008.
86) M. Ahmadpur, M.shamanian, A. Saatchi, “Microstructure of Co-based compound produced by GTAW on 410 martensitic stainless steel", Proceeding of 9th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 296-303, 2008.
87) M. Botlani, A. Kermanpur, R. Dehmolaei, M.shamanian, “Improvement in weldability of 25Cr-35Ni and aged alloy 800 and effects of filler metal using neural networks", Proceeding of 9th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 296-303, 2008.
88) Y. Salehi, A. Kermanpur, M.shamanian, E. Heshamt-dehkordi, “Simulation of temperature gradient during TIG welding of monel 400", Proceeding of 9th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 362-368, 2008.
89) M. Askari, M. Shayan, M.shamanian, “Microstructure and weldabilty of arc welded ductile iron", Proceeding of 9th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 386-393, 2008.
90) G. Azimi, M. Shamanian, "Microstructure of Fe-Cr-Si-C surface layer produced by GTAW on plain carbon steel", Proceeding of 8th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 394-403, 2008.
91) N. Najjari, M.shamanian, A. Saatchi, M. Ahmadpur, M. Taherian, “"Effects of austenitic and martensitic stainless steel interlayers on stellite6 clads", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum87, pp. 583-591, 2009.
92) R. Dehmolaei, M. Shamanian, A .Kermanpur, " Microstructure and weldability of Incoloy800/Hp steel disismilar welds", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum87, pp. 619-628, 2009.
93) M.H .Amushahi, F. Ashrafizadeh, M.shamanian, H.R .Ghorbani, “Wear behavior of carbon steel hardfaced with Boron-rich coating", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum87, pp. 719-726, 2009.
94) M.H .Amushahi, F. Ashrafizadeh, M.shamanian, “Wear and mechanical behavior of carbon steel hardfaced with Boron-rich coating", Proceeding of 10th Iranian Seimanr on Surface Engineering, 2009.
95) F. Ghaeni, M.shamanian, F. Ashrafizadeh, "Ni-Ti coatings on austenitic stainless steel by TIG coatings on plain carbon steel using GTAW process", Proceeding of 10th Iranian Seimanr on Surface Engineering, 2009.
96) M. Ahmadpur, M.shamanian, A. Saatchi, N. Najjari, M. Taherian, “"Microstructure of steelite6 clads on 410 martensitic stainless seel in presence of 309 stainless stee linterlayer", Proceeding of 10th Iranian Seimanr on Surface Engineering and Heat Teatment, 2009.
97) M. Atapur, M.H .Fathi, M. Shamanian, "Corrosion behavior of weld zone of Ti6Al4V in 3.5% NaCl", 11th Iranian congress on corrosion, pp. 1469-1478, 2009.
98) M. Izadinia, K. Dehghani, M. Shamanian, M .Rezazadeh, M .Rezaei, "Aluminizing of plain carbon steel for oxidation applications", 11th Iranian congress on corrosion, pp. 1487-1499, 2009.
99) M. Khodabakhsh, M.shamanian, A. Saatchi, “Thermal gradient and sensivitiy zone in 316 stainless steel welds", Proceeding of 8th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 81-90, 2009.
100) A. Dareshiri, A. Saatchi, M.shamanian, “Microstructural evolutions and defects of Al5083-H321 alloy", Proceeding of 8th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 91-101, 2009.
101) R. Dehmolaei, M. Shamanian, A .Kermanpur, " An investigation on effect of heat input on propagation of neighbor weld zone in Incoloy800/Hp steel disismilar welds",, Proceeding of 8th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 110-118, 2009.
102) A. Rastkerdar, M.shamanian, A. Saatchi, “Effect of pulsed current on corrosion behavior of AA5083 welds", Proceeding of 8th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 119-128, 2009.
103) H.H .Amushahi, F. Ashrafizadeh, M.shamanian, “Microstructure and wear behavior of carbon steel hardfaced with Boron-rich coating", Proceeding of 8th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 208-215, 2009.
104) F. Ghaeni, M.shamanian, F. Ashrafizadeh, "Ni3Ti-NiTi and Ni3Ti-NiTi /TiC coatings on austenitic stainless steel by TIG coatings on plain carbon steel using GTAW process", Proceeding of 8th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 248-255, 2009.
105) A. Gholipur, M.shamanian, F. Ashrafizadeh, F. Ghaeni, "Microstructure of Co-based clad on 17-4PH sainless steel produced by GTAW process", Proceeding of 8th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 271-278, 2009.
106) M. Yusefieh, M.shamanian, A. Saatchi, "Effect of GTAW process on corrosion behavior of UNS 32760 STAINLESS STEEL WELDMENTS", Proceeding of 8th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 352-361, 2009.
107) M. Jamali, M.shamanian, H. Sabet, M.H. Bina, “Effect of welding time on microstructure and mechanical behavior of spot welded austenitic/ferritic stainless steel dissimilar welds", Proceeding of 8th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 422-429, 2009.
108) M. Chiani, M.shamanian, H. Monajatizadeh, “AISI321/AISI403 dissimilar welds", Proceeding of 8th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 430-436, 2009.
109) M. Shayan, M. Askari, M.shamanian, M .Taherian, E. Abdolvand, K. Baharluei, M. Taheri, “Microstructure and weldablity of grey cast iron", Proceeding of 8th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 479-487, 2009.
110) M. Askari, M. Shayan, M.shamanian, M .Taherian, E. Abdolvand, S. Nahavandi, “Post-weld heat treatment of CA-6NM steele welded by E410NiMo and E410 electrodes", Proceeding of 8th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 488-493, 2009.
111) M. Yusefieh, M.shamanian, A. Saatchi, "Effect of GTAW pulsed current on corrosion behavior of duplex stainless steel", Proceeding of 8th Iranian conference of welding and inspection, pp. 565-575, 2009.
112) B. Abdellahi, B .Mohammadpur, , M.Shamanian, "Cladding of plain carbon steel with Fe-35Cr-4.3C in presence of austenitic interlayer", Proceeding of the 13th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, pp.39, 2009.
113) E. Baharzadeh, M .Zoei, M.Shamanian, M. Salehi, "Finite element analysis of gate valve coated with HVOF stellite6", Proceeding of the 13th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, pp.41, 2009.
114) R. Arabi, P. Saberi, M. Siadat, M.Shamanian, "Ni-based superalloy coating on ductile iron", Proceeding of the 13th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, pp.44, 2009.
115) M. Yusefieh, M.shamanian, A. Saatchi, M.A .Golozar, "Effect of GTAW pulsed current on microstructure and corrosion behavior of duplex stainless steel", Proceeding of the 13th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, pp.77, 2009.
116) S. Hassani, M. Panjepur, M.Shamanian, "Effect of Al on combustion synthesis of MoSi2", Proceeding of the 13th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, pp.127, 2009.
117) M. Zarezadeh, A. Saidi, M.Shamanian, "Mechanism of combustion synthesis of Fe3Al/TiC", Proceeding of the 13th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, pp.265, 2009.
118) A. Gholipur, M.shamanian, F. Ashrafizadeh, F. Ghaeni, "Microstructure of Co-based clad on 17-4PH sainless steel produced by GTAW process in presence of 309 stainless stee linterlayer", Proceeding of 10th Iranain conference of manufacturing, pp. 323, 2009.
119) A. Rastkerdar, M.shamanian, A. Saatchi, “Effect of pulsed current on corrosion behavior of AA5083 welds using Taguchi method", Proceeding of the 13th Congress of Iranian Metallrgical Engineering Society, pp.416, 2009.
120) A. Heidarpur, A. Saidi, M.Shamanian, K .RAJAEI, "Effect of bentonite, dolomite and limestone additions on reducability of hematite", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum88, pp. 33-41, 2010.
121) M.Shamanian, M. Askari, M .Shayan, S. Abedini, A. Naderi, M .Momayyezan, F. Zamani, M .Rahmani, "Effect of hydrated limestone on sintering of iron ore", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum88, pp. 53-60, 2010.
122) M. Mostafaei, M .Shamanian, M .Amini, H. Purmohammad, "Effect of aging temperature on microstructural evolutions of HP-Nb heat resistant steel", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum85, pp. 191-198, 2010.
123) E. Baharzadeh, M.Shamanian, M. Salehi, A. Saatchi, "Characterization of HVOF stellite6 coatings on plain carbon steel", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum88, pp. 459-466, 2010.
124) H. Pourmohamamd, M.Shamanian, M .Maghzi, M Vakili, M.H. Pursina, M. Rasuli, J. Izadi, "Cladding of 30CrNiMo8 with high strength electrodes with quenching and carburizing", Proceeding of Steel Symposioum88, pp. 467-476, 2010.
125) F. Ghaeni, M.shamanian, F. Ashrafizadeh, "Wear behavior of Ni3Ti-NiTi and Ni3Ti-NiTi /TiC coatings on austenitic stainless steel by TIG coatings on plain carbon steel using GTAW process",, Proceeding of Steel Symposioum88, pp. 525-532, 2010.
126) F .Madadi, M.shamanian, F. Ashrafizadeh, "stellite Cladding steel using GTAW process",, Proceeding of Steel Symposioum88, pp. 561-568, 2010.
127) M .Tavanaei, M .Farzin, M.shamanian, M. nejati, M .Amini, M. Ramazani, "Thermal analysis and fatigue of water-cooled pipes in transition of slabs",, Proceeding of Steel Symposioum88, pp. 727-736, 2010.