Executive Activities
- Editor in chief of Journal of Iranian Science and Technology of Welding
- Member of editorial board of International Journal of Iron and Steel Society of Iran
- Member of editorial board of Journal of Advanced Materials in Engineering, Iran
- Reviewer of international journals including: J Alloys Compd, Mater. Des., Process. Technol., J Mater Eng Perform, Mater. Charact., Acta Metall Sin, Mater. Sci. Eng., A, Mater. Chem. Phys., Appl. Surf. Sci., Surf. Coat. Technol., J. Mater. Sci.
- Scientific Chairman, 2nd International Conference on Welding and Non Destructive Testing (ICWNDT 2016), Iran
- Scientific Chairman, 11th Conference on Welding and Non Destructive Testing, 2009, Iran
- Scientific Chairman,10th Conference on Welding and Non Destructive Testing, 2008, Iran
- Scientific Chairman, Steel Symposium, Iran, 2004
- Publishing more than 8 Scientific book in field of Welding Science and Engineering (in Persian Language)