
Ph. D. (1997.01 - 2002.09)

Department of Materials Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

Department of Materials Engineering, University of  Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Ph. D. by Course and Research in "Welding Metallurgy“,

GPA: 18.35/20, First Rank

The title of dissertation "The Microstructure and Mechanical Properties Evaluation of Ti6Al4V/(WC-Co) Friction Welds"


M.Sc. (1994.09 - 1996.09)

Department of Materials Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

M.Sc. by Course and Research in "Materials Selection and Characterization“,

GPA: 18.85/20, First Rank

The title of dissertation "The Effect of Fe-Al and Fe-Al-Ni Intermetallics Coatings on Tribological Behavior of Carbon Tool Steel"


B.Sc. (1989.09 - 1993.01)

Department of Materials Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

B.Sc. degree in Materials Engineering (Production of Iron and Steel),

GPA: 16.23/20, First Rank