Thermodynamic-I (Basic)

Course description

This course is designed for undergraduate (BSc) students. The main syllabus of this course are:

  1. Fundamental definitions: Work, heat, process, cycle, zeroth law, state
  2. Phase behavior of pure substances: P-T, P-V and V-T diagram
  3. First law of thermodynamic for closed system
  4. First law of thermodynamic for control volume
  5. Second law of thermodynamic: heat engine and refrigeration cycle
  6. Entropy and second law of thermodynamic for closed and open system


  1. Fundamental of Thermodynamic, Sontag, Borgnakke, Van Wylen, Sixth Edition
  2. Introduction to Chemical Eng. Thermodynamic, Smith J.M, Van Ness H.C., Abbot M.M., McGraw – Hill, 7th ed.
  3. Engineering and Chemical Thermodynamics, Milo D. Koretsky, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2013

Mark distribution

  • Assignments: 20%
  • Quiz: 20%
  • Class Activities: 10%
  • Mid-term exam: 20%
  • Final Exam: 30%